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Can I Claim if I Slip in a Supermarket?

supermarket slip claimsUnfortunately in law there is rarely a yes or no answer to this kind of question, as there are always factors to consider. If you slip in a supermarket then you may well have a genuine claim for compensation. To have a claim we would consider the following:

First, have you suffered injury? After all this would be compensation for personal injury. To point out the obvious, if you slipped but did not sustain any injury then we would not be unable to assist you.

For us to help, you must have been injured in the accident to claim. The injury does not have to be a serious injury; a strain or other general soft tissue injury can be enough to bring a claim. To assess any potential injury, first go and see your own doctor.

Then, if we can take your claim forward, we will arrange for you to be seen by a professional and experienced medical expert. Sometimes injured victims do not realise the extent or seriousness of an injury and therefore it is essential that you seek medical advice. If you notice any pain or any symptoms, we would recommend that you see your own doctor in the first instance.

With this type of accident, my next question would be – were there any warning signs in place to warn of the hazard (wet floor)? If the answer to this question is no, that there was no warning of the hazard or wet floor, then it would appear that you may have a claim. Even if there were warning signs, this in itself does not mean that you cannot claim. We would have to consider whether the warning sign(s) were correctly displayed. It could be the case that you did not see any warning sign, as it was not clearly displayed. You can see that there may be other avenues to argue your case.

Next we must prove the supermarket has breached the duty of care they have for you. If they failed to inspect their supermarket or clear away a known hazard, you may have a good claim.

Slipping in a supermarket is a common claim so at face value you can make a claim following this type of accident. The Defendant may admit liability or they may argue that a sufficient warning sign was in place. Until we submit the claim we do not know what response we will receive.

If they admit liability, we will endeavour to recover you the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. Compensation is based on injury and suffering and therefore the more serious the injury and effect on your life, the more your claim is likely to be worth. However even for a relatively minor injury you can recover the compensation that you deserve. What is important for most people is that you can also claim your losses as a result of the accident. Say, because of your injuries, you are not able to work for say 4 weeks. We can attempt to recover this loss of earnings as part of your claim.

If you have slipped in a supermarket and sustained injury, it is likely that you do have a claim that we would be able to help you with. We deal with many supermarket accident claims of this nature – so do not hesitate to give us a call to discuss your claim today.

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