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Forklift Truck Personal Injury Compensation Advice

forklift truck accident claimsAs a personal injury firm, we deal with a wide range of claims including accidents involving forklift trucks. There are many possible accidents involving forklift trucks, from someone being knocked over or trapped by a forklift truck, to the forklift truck dropping a load or malfunctioning.

Forklift trucks can be prone to turning or toppling over. This could easily trap the driver or a fellow worker. Whatever the circumstances of the accident, we may be able to help you. Every case is different and this is why you need an experienced lawyer on your side. We can assess your claim for free, with no obligation.

One main issue with forklift trucks is that they carry the load on the front. Clearly this is not perfect as a load could impede the driver’s view for example. This could easily lead to collisions and incidents. By following simple health and safety rules, many accidents could be avoided. It is for the employer to carry out risk assessments into working practices etc. A good starting point would be to have a designated path for vehicles such as forklift trucks, which is separate from the path used by individual workers. Other precautions could include a noise or alarm system to warn workers of approaching site vehicles, flashing lights for the same purpose etc.

It is the duty of the employer to keep workers reasonably safe and free from harm. This means that if an employer shows no regard for health and safety – i.e. they have not carried out risk assessments; they have not allocated separate/designated paths for vehicles and workers; they have not maintained equipment (such as the forklift truck itself) then it will be very difficult for this employer to escape liability when an accident and injury does occur. Obviously such an accident would be dealt with as an accident at work claim – we would be looking to prove that your employer was negligent in some way, whether it was bad practice/procedure, inadequate training etc.

Accidents involving a forklift truck could result in serious injury or even death. It goes to prove that a forklift truck can be dangerous, if not used correctly or with correct practices. However minor or serious the injury, you may still be able to make a claim.

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