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What do I need to do to start a claim for compensation?

start a claim for compensation claimsWhether you’ve slipped on a grape or been involved in a road traffic accident, however minor or serious your accident and loss is, you may be able to claim compensation.

If you think you have gathered all the information you can about your accident to make a claim, then time really is of the essence. The sooner you take action to claim, the less amount of time it leaves the defendant to investigate your accident; therefore giving you a better chance of winning your case and claiming your compensation.

When contacting The Injury Lawyers, the first thing you will be asked to do if you want to start the claim right away is fill out a Claims Notification Form (CNF) for most types of cases. This can be done over the telephone by giving the advisor all the information you have about your accident, which they will then fill out in the form for you. This is done by following a strict set of rules known as a Protocol. This basically sets out the expectations of the court regarding the actions of both parties before court proceedings are commenced. A copy of this form can then be sent to the defendant’s insurer through an electronic portal system. Once this has been sent through the portal, the defendant and their insurer must then send their acknowledgement that they have received the claim information. They will then investigate and confirm their stance as to whether they are at fault or not.

If at this point, the defendant only partly admits liability, stating that the claimant is partly to blame for the accident, then the claim will no longer proceed under the protocol. Other problems included in this exception are if the defendant does not respond to the claim, or if they believe there is not enough essential information completed on the CNF.

If however, the defendant simply admits their liability in full, the claim proceeds using the portal and straightforward set of rules for this protocol.

At this stage, the next step is obtaining a medical report. At this stage, an interim payment of £1,000 may sometimes be requested if you need some money in the short term as well. Ideally we then want to negotiate a settlement for you and resolve the claim as quickly as we can.

So however minor or serious your accident may be, if you think you may have a claim, give us a call today, and one of our expert claims team will be more than happy to advise & assist you every step of the way, allowing you to receive the compensation you deserve.

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