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The Injury Lawyers 100% Compensation Offer

our clients receive 100% compensationJanuary – always a bit of a tight month after the big spend over Christmas and blowing a load more money in the after-Christmas sales! Add that to the fact most people are on a bit of a comedown after time off work over the festive period with friends and family, and we have a fairly unhappy population!

So here’s something to cheer you up – if you have had an accident and you have been thinking of making a claim, you may already be aware that last year there were loads of changes brought in by the government which have stopped lawyers being able to offer 100% compensation agreements.

But as a belated Christmas prezzie for you, we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement! The law changes have stopped solicitors recovering something called a Success Fee and an After The Event insurance premium from the opponent. We can still recover our other fees so we don’t have to charge you!

The thing is, other solicitors are not willing to take the hit like we are in losing out on the Success Fee and insurance. Most lawyers will take 25% from your payout to cover the Success Fee which they cannot recover. 25% is the maximum they can take from you by law. In addition, they’ll probably want to take payment for the insurance as well.

But for most types of claims like work claims or public liability claims, we will waive the Success Fee charge and not charge you for insurance. Hence we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement as we will simply recover what legal fees we still can from the other side.

There’s no catch – we are basically taking less fees than we used to be able to. We can afford to do this because, unlike other lawyers:

  • We only represent compensation claim victims – so we are specialists at what we do which makes us highly efficient.
  • We take on and win a high volume of cases so the reduced fees work just fine for us.
  • We don’t like the idea of charging clients!

So if you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, don’t let the end of the festive season get you down more by worrying about other solicitors charging you for legal fees because we can still allow you to keep all 100% of your compensation claim!

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