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Cut Tendon Injuries – Advice from The Injury lawyers

100% compensation claimsCut tendon injuries are very serious. If you’ve come to our site looking for advice having cut through a tendon, I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here.

Common in workplace accidents where tendons in the fingers, wrists, and arms are cut from machinery or using tools in the workplace, they can lead to a lot of pain and a lot of time off work. So here is some advice for cut tendon accident victims about making a claim and what you can claim for.

Making a claim – proving negligence

The first step is to prove that someone is at fault for the accident. Whilst cliched, the old saying ‘where there is a blame there is a claim’ can be fairly accurate. Referring to the opening statement of this article, common tendon injuries involve the use of machinery and equipment at work. Equipment must be safe to use, so if you are injured by equipment because it is dangerous, you may have a claim.

If there are no guards to prevent injury, or you are not adequately trained, these can be arguments to prove you are entitled to make a claim.

What can you claim for?

A claim is normally formed from two parts – General Damages, and Special Damages. General Damages is for the pain, suffering, and loss caused. We’ll send you to see an expert and they will produce a report for us outlining how badly you have suffered form the injury. We’ll look at things like:

  • The general pain suffered
  • The disability caused when it comes to your work life and domestic life (i.e. inability to dress yourself or cook or clean if your arm is immobilised for example
  • Any long term problems such as loss of power in affected limbs and how this will affect you in the future at work and at home

Special Damages is for losses and expenses, and we’ll look at things such as:

  • Lost earnings, both past and future; including any element of a loss on the open labour market if long term issues will restrict what employment you can have
  • Private medical expenses – physiotherapy is normally a requirement in such cases, and we can sort funding for it on a private basis
  • Travel expenses to and from appointments – if you can’t drive and need a taxi or a bus, keep receipts
  • Care and assistance rates – which is money we can claim back for people who have helped you out on an hourly rate basis

A serious ring or middle finger tendon injury claim can be worth around £11,000 according to official guidelines for the injury alone. It is all dependent on the individual case though, as it’s all about how badly you have personally suffered.

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