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Swimming pool accident compensation claim advice

Swimming pools can of course be inherently dangerous places. I mean, for one, the floor is likely to be very wet around the edges and walkways of the pool. Changing rooms and shower areas are also likely to get very wet as well.

In other circumstances, there could be unknown dangers and defects in the actual pool itself. So if you’re injured either in or around a swimming pool area, what are your rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation?

The Law

The law that will typically apply in these scenarios is The Occupiers Liability Act. This places a duty on those in control of the premises to take all reasonable steps to prevent an injury occurring.

Because there is a high chance of an obvious accident, there is only so much that can be done. But if those steps are in place, and they can prove that such steps have been taken, it can be hard to win a claim. Common examples of reasonable steps can be signs to warn of dangers, mats to help reduce water being walked around, and regular systems of inspection and maintenance to clear away pools of dangerous water.

When it comes to dangers and defects in the pool itself, there should be no protrusions, broken tiling, or sharp objects that can cause a person to be injured. If there are, you may have a winning claim for compensation.

What to do…

It helps to report the accident immediately. If you are yet to do this, I would suggest reporting it as soon as you can. Then you need to instruct a personal injury lawyer like us to submit a claim to them directly or to their insurers. They then have a period of just 40 working days to admit or deny liability. If they deny liability, they must prove, with evidence, why they are not at fault.

No win, no fee claims

We normally cannot tell right away whether the other side will admit or deny liability. But we do offer No Win, No Fee agreements for cases like this so you won’t be liable for our fees if the claim is not successful. Terms and conditions of course apply, but the principle is genuine and does exactly what it says on the tin. If you don’t win, you don’t pay a fee!

For help and advice, call our claims helpline 0800 634 7575. We’re a real law firm so you don’t need to wait around to be passed to another firm or wait to fill in lengthy paperwork before getting a case started. If you’re happy to instruct us, we can get it submitted on the same day you speak to us!

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