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Tinnitus Claims

We have all experienced that ringing or buzzing sound in our ears at some point; whether it’s after a concert, being at a club or at a party. It’s rather annoying for the time it hangs around but generally by the following morning it’s gone and you wonder what all the fuss was about.

But what if that annoying little buzzing or ringing stayed around for longer? What if it was with you continually, day and night and you just can’t shake it?

I don’t know about you but I can only imagine that it would be nothing more than torturous.

A continual ringing sound in either one or both ears is better known as Tinnitus and approximately 15% of us will experience it at some point in our lives.

Tinnitus is more commonly experienced in people aged over 60 and is a result of deteriorating hearing. However, anyone of any age can suffer the symptoms of Tinnitus and it can be caused by some of the following:

  • Exposure to loud noises i.e. noisy machinery at work
  • A head Injury
  • Stress can be known to exacerbate symptoms also

There are often cases of individuals suffering the effects of Tinnitus as a result of their job and the work they undertaken on a daily basis. This is particularly common when people work with or around noisy machinery or they are exposed to loud sounds such as gun fire or explosions.

In these circumstances the individual suffering needs to consider if there is anything more that their Employer could have done to prevent their suffering. Did their Employer provide them with all of the relevant Personal Protective Equipment?

It may not be your current employment which has caused the symptoms, considering if you have worked anywhere previously which exposed you to unreasonable noise levels.

Your Employer owes you a duty of care and this may have been breached if they have failed to provide you with protective hearing equipment such as ear plugs.

If you believe that your working capacity may have resulted in you suffering from Tinnitus then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation against your Employers.

The Injury Lawyers can offer you free, no obligation advice so contact us today if you think you may have a claim!

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