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New Road Accident Doctor Charity

The BBC News website has recently had a report about a new charity that is to be launched in North Wales for doctors to attend the scene of road and other serious accidents. The charity, which will be known as The North Wales Emergency Doctor Service, has been set up with the intention  to provide specialist support for paramedics at the scene of road and other serious accidents. This new idea follows results of research that has revealed that expert help for paramedics at the scene of the accident can lead to a better outcome for many people involved in accidents and can help save lives.

Initially, four doctors throughout the region have volunteered for the scheme, and they will work in their free time and in less busy periods for hospitals. Each of the doctors will be equipped with £15,000 worth of equipment in their cars and they will be notified at the same time as the ambulance service so that they arrive on the scene as soon as possible. It is hoped that by raising funds more doctors will sign up to the scheme and if it proves successful it is hoped that similar schemes will be set up all around the UK.

The service should be up and running by the end of May and the official charity launch is expected to take place in the UK. It is hoped that the official launch will bring in much needed funds to help the scheme grow. The chairman of the charity, Dr Suman Mitra, stated that his ambition is to get more Doctors involved; however he said that the main problem is a lack of funds and that the scheme simply doesn’t have enough money to kit them out. It is hoped that this will change once the charity is officially launched in July 2010.

Every year hundreds of thousands of people are injured in car accidents in the UK, and many of these are innocent victims of the poor driving skills and carelessness of other road users. The most common injury in a road accidents are whiplash injuries, which range in severity from minor injuries, which last only a few days or weeks, to more serious injuries that can last a number of years. If you are injured in a road accident that wasn’t your fault then you are entitled to claim compensation from the driver at fault for the accident. No matter how minor you feel the injury is, it is important that you contact specialist personal injury solicitors who can give comprehensive legal advice.

At The Injury Lawyers we are a team of specialist personal injury solicitors that and will act on your behalf under a genuine ‘no win, no fee‘ agreement, which gives you full peace of mind and guarantees that you will keep 100% compensation. We will refer you for a medical examination with a medical expert who will examine you to ensure there are no underlying problems, and we will then use this expert evidence to value your claim. In addition, in many cases we can also arrange for you to have any medical treatment that is recommended by the expert to assist your recovery.

We fight tooth and nail to get our client’s the maximum amount of compensation they deserve and do not charge you a penny as all our fees are recovered from the other driver’s insurance company.

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