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Road Accidents – The Dangers of Drink Driving

Drink driving is a topic I have often covered in the past; primarily because I am strongly against the idea of anyone thinking it is safe to get behind the wheel of a car whilst over the legal limit. We all know the dangers, and it’s no secret that consuming alcohol impairs your judgement, and you simply are not capable to drive safely when you are over the limit. The law is there for this very good reason!

So not only does it continue to astound me when I hear about stories of drink driving related incidents, but is vexes me even more when the story is just utterly ridiculous – with potential consequences for disaster…

According to sources from The Mirror (source), a father with his three children in the back of the car failed to notice his vehicle was on fire because he was drunk behind the wheel! It’s absolutely crazy! Why a person would get behind the wheel whilst intoxicated is a conundrum enough; but when your three children are in the car with you, it’s nothing but shameful.

According to the report, 36 year old Adam Whitehead had his three kids in the car, aged just 9, 7, and five, when he was found to be more than five times over the legal limit for alcohol consumption following a police breathalyser test. A court heard how a female driver following the car attempted to raise the alarm with her horn after spotting black smoke pouring from the car. He was so drunk he failed to acknowledge the female was sounding the alarm. In fact, the worried motorist eventually caught up with him in traffic and banged on the window of Mr Whiteheads car; he still failed to act!

Eventually, the concerned motorist pulled the children out of the car herself, with the assistance of her mother. Unbelievably, Mr Whitehead didn’t even notice, and carried on driving, leaving his own children stranded on the pavement!!! The source quotes from Chairman Mary Hirst, who told Mr Whitehead: “Your driving ability was so impaired that you didn’t even realise the clutch had burnt out and the car was on fire.” It’s an absolutely unbelievable chain of events…

Mr Whitehead has pleaded guilty to driving over the limit, getting away lightly with just a 16 week suspended prison sentence, 60 hours of unpaid work, a three year driving ban, and £85 court costs. He will also be undergoing an alcohol treatment course. According to the report, Mr Whitehead told police and the court that he had been drinking in to the early hours of the morning in celebration of a job offer after three months of unemployment. He reportedly lost a high paid job previously, and had spiralled in to depression as a result of this and the breakdown of his marriage. This of course is not even close to any kind of an excuse for his actions.

 It’s a miracle that no one was hurt in this incident – it really could have been so much worse. Thankfully, the actions of the concerned female motorist have potentially been life saving. Mr Whitehead could have so easily lost control of the car and caused a crash. His car could so easily have been engulfed in flames, killing them all…

The list of what if’s is extensive.

A driver over the limit for alcohol consumption that causes a crash is negligent, and they are liable to compensate any victims that have suffered through their carless actions. Speak to an expert independent personal injury lawyer for advice on what to do next.

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