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Accidents on Buses

When using public transport we all have a right to feel safe and free from any harm. On a bus it is the driver and the bus company who owe us as their passenger a duty of care. In order to stand to this duty of care, they should drive safely, in accordance to the speed limit, stop at designated bus stops and allow us time when boarding to sit down before they depart.

There have been many accidents on buses when the driver has failed to allow passengers time to sit down, before they depart from the bus stop. This has caused unnecessary accidents, especially amongst the elderly who aren’t as strong on their feet.

I remember a few years ago when I was on a bus to my local shopping centre, a lady boarded with a child in her arms. She was just putting the child in a seat when the driver failed to check his mirrors to make sure all passengers were seated and set off. This then caused the lady to jilt forwards, causing her to fall over, and resulted in her landing on her wrist. Passengers were shocked at the driver’s lack of care, and rushed to see if the passenger was OK.

In a case like this for instance the driver may be held responsible for the accident as he caused the lady to fall over, by speeding off from the bus stop before she got chance to sit down. Luckily she managed to seat her child, or they could have both been badly hurt.

In a case like this the passenger would need to take the ID number of the driver, the bus number and the registration number on the bus. The driver ID and bus number should be on the ticket you get given when you pay to board a bus. That’s why it is important you hang on to them until the end of your journey.

If you have been injured in an accident whilst on a bus then you may be able to claim compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault. For more information of accidents whilst using public transport or if you wish to speak to one of our fully trained lawyers regarding an accident you were in then contact the Injury Lawyers today.

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