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Accidents in Supermarkets

Most of us make a weekly visit to our local supermarket to carry out what we all refer to as the big shop or the weekly shop. Some of us spend what feels like a fortune on food. We all try to choose a time that we expect the supermarket won’t be so hectic…some of us tend to avoid Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Supermarkets can get extremely busy at the worst of times, and the stress of trying to get everything you need in a busy environment and pushing a trolley around, can at times get to the best of us, especially if we’ve got the kids as well. Kids tend to hate anything to do with shopping; the only thing they like is putting a bag of sweets or a new toy in the trolley.

Unfortunately some supermarkets are the setting for a scene of an accident. It may be that there are tins or boxes piled up in a display at the end of aisle, and if someone accidentally nudges them with their trolley, they may fall over. Supermarkets also have cleaners on duty making sure that there are no hazards around such as spilt liquids on the aisles or broken glass.

If you become involved in an accident at a supermarket there a number of things you should do:

Alert a member of staff: If you feel you are able to move after the accident you should alert a member of staff about exactly what happened. They should then write an accident report up in their accident book, all supermarkets should have one of these. If you are badly hurt, it’s likely that someone will have seen your accident and will alert a member of staff. They will then contact the emergency services if need be.

Take witness details: If there was any witnesses to your accident taking their contact details will act as evidence if you wish to pursue a claim. Supermarkets are busy places so it’s likely that someone saw your accident.

Take details of staff: Take down the names of any staff that spoke with you after the accident, whether they wrote up the accident report or assisted you after the accident.

Take photos: If you have a camera or a camera phone on you it is a good idea that you take photos of the scene of the accident, this will act as further evidence if you wish to look into making a compensation claim.

Remember that like most accidents, an accident at a supermarket gives you a three-year limit that you are able to make a claim for compensation.

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