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Cinema Accidents

For those of us who love to keep up with the latest movies, a trip to our local cinema is not far from ordinary. The cinema makes for a great night out, especially now those cold winter nights are drawing in. A lot of cinemas now offer a membership card where you pay so much a month and can see as many films as you like.

Like any other venue, cinema complexes have a number of health and safety rules that they must follow in the unlikely event that an accident happens at their venue. They will have staff that have undergone the necessary training if anybody does become injured whilst visiting their venue.

Even though an accident occurring in your local cinema may seem extremely unlikely, unfortunately, things like this do happen. There will be staff on site that carry out regular checks to prevent any possible hazards, however spillages can occur at any time and if they are not cleaned up straight away they can become a hazard.

When you purchase your movie tickets, you might choose to buy food, such as popcorn or drinks. Inside the cinema screen area itself, it can be really dark, and you may not be able to see where you are going, especially if you are concentrating on not spilling your drink. Some of the bigger cinemas have large screens, with lots of stairs. If you walk up these in the dark and someone puts a bag or a drink in the aisleway, it may cause you to trip or fall.

If you do become involved in an accident at a cinema complex, you should alert a member of staff on site. If the hazard that caused you injury is of any risk to others, then it needs cleaning up straight away. A member of staff should also fill in an accident report form with you. This will state what caused the accident and any injuries you may have suffered.

If your injury was caused by a trip or fall, you may have suffered from a whiplash injury. With whiplash injuries, the symptoms don’t make themselves known until 6-12 hours after an accident. If the accident wasn’t you fault you may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

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