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Injuries Suffered when using Public Facilities

There are many public facilities across Britain that allow us to take part in a variety of activities. Some of the activities available to us include swimming, athletics or open sports events such as netball, basketball and football. Whatever sport it is that we choose to take part in those responsible for the activity should make sure that all of the necessary health and safety precautions are put in order.

In order to do this those in charge of the event will need to carry out a number of risk assessments, along with moving any equipment that they think could be a hazard. Any sport that people take part in should have a qualified instructor or coach to assist those taking part. In the unlikely event that someone did become injured they could be the first person made of aware of this.

If you or your child has took part in such an activity and suffered an injury whilst doing so they may be able to make an injury compensation claim. In order for that claim to be successful the accident must have been caused by the negligence of somebody else, leading to the injuries they have suffered. After such an accident the first thing to do would be to report the incident to a member of staff on site. They would then be able to assess any injuries suffered and carry out the necessary actions in attending to them.

When attending the scene of an accident at such a facility it is likely that staff on site will be required to fill out an accident report form with you. The form will consist of the details about the accident, how and why it happened along with any injuries you have sustained.

Like with any accident if the injuries you’ve suffered caused you distress or pain you should seek medical attention. Medics will then be able to assess your injuries and give you any necessary treatment in helping you recover.

Like with any injury compensation claim you would need to gather information together about the accident before making a claim. It is a good idea to write down everything you remember about the accident. You should also take photos of any visible injuries you have, or of the scene of the accident. When seeking medical attention you should make them aware of how you suffered your injuries, they should then make a note of this on your medical records.

All of the above will act in your favour as evidence against the other party if at a later date you decide to make an injury compensation claim. If you would like free legal advice on pursuing a claim in the future then contact the Injury Lawyers.

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