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Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (‘HAVS’), also known as Vibration White Finger, is an industrial disease which has been diagnosed in thousands of people.  It occurs where someone is exposed to lots of vibrations in their hands and arms.  As such, those affected tend to feel numbness in their fingers and may even witness their fingers turn white.  Indeed, should the condition get worse, they may lose feeling in the whole of their hand and the hand my turn completely white.  In the worst case scenarios the sufferer may actually lose their fingers.

So when does this condition occur?  If you are a manual labourer for example and handle vibrating hand tools, such as drills and chainsaws, on a regular basis or prolonged period, you may well suffer from HAVS.  If you use vibrating hand tools regularly and you believe you may be suffering from HAVS, it is important that you seek medical advice.  It is then key that you seek the advice of a professional, quality injury lawyer who can advise you as to whether you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.  By way of example, back in 1997 seven coal miners who regularly used vibrating tools obtained over £125,000 in compensation after being diagnosed with vibration white finger.  Moreover, since 2004 the Government has paid out over £100m to ex-coalminers who have brought claims having suffered from HAVS.

Why might you have a claim for compensation if you have been diagnosed with HAVS?  Simply because by way of The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 your employer must limit or protect your exposure to vibrations.  What does this mean?  It means that you employer has a duty of care towards you to ensure that you are not over-exposed to vibrations whilst you work.  It may be that you are only allowed to use vibrating tools for a certain period of time and that you are better trained in how to use these tools for example.

It is thought that 1 in 10 people who work with vibrating tools at work will have some of the symptoms of HAVS.  If you believe you have any of the symptoms you may be entitled to compensation where your employer has failed in their duty to limit your exposure to vibrations.  How, though, do you know if they have breached this duty?  Get in touch with one of the specialist personal injury lawyers at The Injury Lawyers and they will be able to immediately assess your claim and provide you with some free legal advice.  It really is a no lose situation.

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