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Supermarket Accidents

Supermarkets may be some people’s worst nightmares due to queuing, traffic getting in and out, or just the general stress and strain of the weekly food shop.  Alternatively, some people may love the weekly supermarket shop as the prices are cheap, there is lots of choice, and usually discounts galore.  Whatever you feel about the supermarket shop, one thing is sure enough – that it is the last thing on your mind that you will have an accident that was not your fault and you end up injured.

We have many clients coming to The Injury Lawyers with claims stemming from supermarkets.  Their accidents include items falling on them from a poorly stacked shelf, slipping on a spillage that was negligently left un-cleared, or tripping over an item negligently left on the floor causing a hazard on an aisle.

Supermarkets, like anywhere else, have a duty to keep their customers safe as far as possible and foreseeable. They must comply with important Health and Safety Regulations.  They must train their staff in the correct manner so they know the correct procedures in – for example – the event a spillage occurs, how to stack shelves safely, or simply to check aisles regularly for items left on the floor.

If you have had an accident in a supermarket there are a number of things which we advise to do:

  1. Report the incident to a member of staff as they may need to make a record of it within an accident book.
  2. Seek medical attention for your injuries as the medic can then enter these in your medical records.
  3. Check if anyone witnessed the accident. If so obtain their contact details as they may be needed to support any later claim you may have.
  4. Seek out a specialist personal injury lawyer directly. I say directly as there are many referral firms out there keen to get your business. They are middlemen and may simply sell your claim onto another law firm rather than you getting the firm who will give you the best service.
  5. Bring your claim as soon as possible. The law states you can only bring most personal injury claims within 3 years from the accident date.  We however, would advise a claim is made as soon as possible whilst the events are still clear in your mind.
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