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Accidents at Work

People can have mixed feelings regarding work. They can love their work or they can dread it – when work only becomes a means to making up the cost of living.  Whatever your feelings regarding work I can hazard a guess that it is the last thought on your mind that you will suffer an accident at work which was not your fault.

Many clients come to us after having gone through the trauma of having, what maybe, a serious accident at work. More often than not they are worried about claiming against their employer due to potential repercussions. We always advise clients that employers could get into a lot of trouble if they treated you any differently due to you claiming against them.  Also, that is why firms like us here at The Injury Lawyers are here – to act on your behalf within the claim.

If you suffer an accident at work that was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation. After suffering an accident at work it is important to report it to another member of staff as an accident book record needs to be completed. You should also seek medical attention for your injuries; this not only assists with your injuries but also allows the medical professional to make a note in your medical records.  Check for any witnesses to the accident as they may be able to provide valuable support to any later claim you may have. Lastly, you should seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer. This is best done as soon as possible after the accident whilst the events are still fresh in your mind; many sorts of cases have a 3 year limitation period, whereby after 3 years from the accident date you may not be able to bring your claim.

It is advisable to contact a law firm directly when looking to gain some advice. I say this as there are many referral agents out there that act as middle men and sell your claim onto law firms. So it maybe that your claim ends up with the firm who simply pays the most for your claim, and not with the firm who will give you the best service. Therefore, it’s always best to leave the destiny of your claim in your own hands rather than those of an agent.

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