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Road Traffic Accident Claims – A New, Faster System

It has been recognised throughout the legal world that personal injury claiming as a result of road traffic accidents are on the increase. This is one of the reasons why the system with which solicitors deal with road traffic accidents has changed.  Road traffic accidents that occurred after 30th April 2011 between a value of £1000 and £10,000 must now be dealt with under a new system. This system is simpler, faster, and much more stream-lined than the old system that was in place. One of the reasons why the system is faster is that everything is completed electronically – therefore making the exchange of documents with the other side instantaneous. The system comprises of 3 stages; each one I will set out below.

The first stage is where the Claim Notification Form is filled out by the Claimant with the help of a solicitor. This form aims to set out all the circumstances of the road accident and is the first item the Defendant will receive with regards to your claim. Within 15 business days of this being sent, the other side should respond with a decision as to whether they admit fault or deny fault.

If fault is admitted on your claim, it proceeds to Stage 2. If liability is denied, it then drops out of the system and it is for your solicitor to assess the prospects of your case, and upon this review, decide whether to proceed with your claim.

Stage 2 comprises of the solicitor gaining both medical and losses information from you. In order to do this, a medical examination is arranged – this will then produce a report which will set out your injuries and any effect they have had on your life. This information regarding your injuries and losses will then be disclosed to the other side in order to invite offers to settle your claim.

If your case fails to settle within Stage 2, it may move to Stage 3, where it may be issued to court.

One of the most difficult parts of proceeding with a personal injury claim can be the waiting for information from your solicitor, or for responses from the other side. This system means you should have a response regarding fault on your claim with 15 business days; this is in stark contrast to the nearly 4 month period of the old system. At The Injury Lawyers we have a high customer service standard in that we update our clients every 2 weeks on how their claim is progressing. This not only means that you, the valued client, are being kept in the loop, but also that your case is worked on as regularly as possible.

If you have been injured in a Road Traffic Accident and would like some free advice on what happens next then feel free to get in touch.

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