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Whiplash Claims Guidance

Whiplash can be an extremely painful and frustrating condition. Sufferers can also have a lack of understanding from others – this may be due to the fact the condition is not so plain to see as a head injury or a broken bone. At The Injury Lawyers, however, our approach is entirely different as we talk to many of our clients on a daily basis and hear how the condition is affecting all areas of their life.

Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolting to the head, which causes the neck to move beyond its normal range – thus damaging tendons, nerves and/or muscles in the area.  We most commonly see whiplash injuries as a result of road traffic accidents; however, it can also be caused by falls, especially those from a height.


The symptoms of whiplash can be wide ranging – I have listed some of the symptoms below that suffers may experience:

  • Tenderness, pain or and/or stiffness in the neck
  • A lack of mobility in the neck, or even no mobility
  • Headaches
  • Swelling in the neck area
  • Radiating pain to the shoulders or down to the back.

In terms of the length of time it takes to recover, whiplash can be extremely unpredictable. A doctor may predict a recovery within 3 months, when 6 months down the line you are still in pain. This is why it is advisable to gain the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer.


On approaching The Injury Lawyers, many clients ask us what their claim is likely to be worth – this is always difficult to say without a medical report and before the client has fully recovery from their injuries. There are the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines that do serve as a general guide on whiplash valuations. The guidelines band whiplash claims as set out below:

Minor whiplash injuries can be worth £1,000 to £5,000
Moderate whiplash  injuries can be worth £5,000 to 15,000
Severe whiplash injuries can be worth £15,000 or more

On average, it has been calculated that a minor whiplash claim is normally settled at around £2,500.

The factors considered when banding a whiplash claim is the severity of the condition, the length of time suffering, the effect it has had on the sufferers life, and any psychological effects the sufferer had had as a result.

If you have any questions about your potential whiplash claim feel free to give us a call.

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