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Whiplash – Symptoms and Treatment

Whiplash is one of those conditions which can get a bad press, as it is not so plain to the naked eye as a broken bone or laceration, for example. So, much of the time we are relying on the sufferers reports of the effect the injury is having on their lives and the level of pain they are in. At The Injury Lawyers, we hear day in day out of the devastating effect whiplash can have on a sufferers’ life; so we treat the condition with the utmost seriousness and respect that it deserves.


Whiplash is a condition which can be highly unpredictable. By this I mean that a doctor could advise that you will recover in 6 months, when one year down the line you are still in pain.  This is why it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist injury lawyer as soon as possible. The symptoms of whiplash are wide ranging, and people can suffer from any one of the symptoms outlined below; if not all:

  • Pain, stiffness and / or tenderness around the neck
  • Radiating pain into the shoulders and / or down the bac
  • Severe headaches, dizziness, or even vertigo
  • Pins and needles type sensations down the arm(s)

The symptoms usually become apparent around 6-12 hours after an accident and can then increase in severity for up to a week. Once symptoms are experienced, it is advisable to seek medical assistance – you then may be referred for treatment.


For whiplash sufferers, treatment such as physiotherapy can be a source of relief from the pain, and ultimately help towards making a full recovery.  The only stumbling block can be that initial wait as  NHS waiting lists can be lengthy.  A point you may not be aware of is that a good personal injury lawyer should be able to arrange treatment for you on a private basis right from the outset of your claim. This would be at no cost to you, as the costs are recovered from the other side if you win your claim, or are covered by insurance if you lose. This extra service means you are getting the best treatment, and you do not have to wait on those long, long lists.

If you have any further questions regarding your whiplash claim feel free to give us a call.

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