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Medical Negligence and Claims

BBC News reported on the 9th May 2011 that a six year old boy had received nearly £5m in compensation after being left disabled at birth. 

It is said that Shane Barrett sustained severe brain injuries and now suffers cerebral palsy after his heart stopped beating whilst he was being born back in 2004.  The Defendant, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Trust, did not admit liability, but lawyers for Mr Barrett said that there had been ‘wholly avoidable delays’ at his birth when the midwives considered his mother’s heartbeat to be his, therefore not realising his heartbeat was abnormal, and horrific brain injuries were suffered as a result.

If you have suffered a particularly serious injury whilst you have been in hospital, it is important that from the offset you get quality personal injury lawyers on your side with years and years experience in dealing with medical negligence cases.  Such matters are often complex and require an experienced professional with knowledge in the area to deal with the claim in the right way.  At The Injury Lawyers, we have been dealing with medical negligence cases of varying severity for many years, and we are happy to discuss any potential claim you may have.  Our advice is confidential, and totally free – and does not impose any obligations upon you.  We really are a quick, free, and just an easy telephone call away.

At The Injury Lawyers, we believe our clients should never be charged a penny for our work.  We therefore work under a genuine no win, no fee agreement which specifically restricts our ability to charge you for our work.  We only take your claim on if we truly believe it will be successful.  As with most of our cases, we are able to settle them fast, and we can therefore recover our costs from the other side; this is why we do not charge you.  Should your case be unsuccessful, unlikely as it is, we are covered by an insurance policy so that we can recover our costs from them – again making it so that you never have to pay us a penny for your claim.  Your compensation is yours, not ours – so you get to keep the whole lot.

Fortunately, not all of our cases involve serious injuries like Mr Barrett suffered.  Nevertheless, we deal with all sorts of cases, both big and small.  If you believe you have a potential claim, do not hesitate to get in touch for some free legal advice.

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