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Whiplash Claim Amount

If you are reading this blog then you may have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, and as a result, have suffered injury. One of the most common injuries caused by a road traffic accident is whiplash. Whiplash can be an extremely painful condition which has adverse effects on all areas of your life for a long period of time. At The Injury Lawyers we have many clients who are suffering or have suffered with whiplash, and we treat the condition with the utmost respect it deserves.

A question often asked of us at The Injury Lawyers is how much we think the claim is worth – I have therefore written this blog to provide some guidance on the matter.

When valuing a claim for whiplash, a solicitor will often use:

1. Medical report: Once liability has been admitted on your claim your solicitor should send you for a medical examination which produces a medical report.  This medical report goes further than simply assessing your injuries – it can also contain the effects the injury has had on all areas of your life, including your hobbies and any psychological effects it has caused. The medical report also gives a prognosis of when you are likely to recover from your injuries and also gives any further recommendations for treatment. This is key to helping your lawyer value your claim accurately.

2. Judicial Studies Board Guidelines: The JSB guidelines band neck injuries for the purposes of valuations – I have set out these bands below;

  • Minor Whiplash Injuries – £875 to £5,150
  • Moderate Whiplash Injuries – £5,150 to £16,400
  • Severe Whiplash Injuries – up to £97,000

The average minor whiplash claim settles for around £2,500.

3. Case law: your solicitor may look at cases similar to your own which have settled already in order to value your claim.

4. Skill, experience, and expertise of your solicitor: A solicitor will draw upon everything he can to value your claim.  This is why it can be beneficial to choose a specialist personal injury lawyer with a good amount of experience in dealing with whiplash claiming.

As mentioned above it can be vital to choose the right law firm to take on your claim. I have therefore listed some benefits you should look for in a law firm in order to maximise your compensation payout:

  •         100% of your compensation – with no deductions and no hidden charges
  •          No costs for you to pay win or lose your claim

If you require any further information please feel free to give The Injury Lawyers a call.

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