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Genuine No Win, No Fee Agreement

At The Injury Lawyers we recover our legal fees from the other side directly if we win your case.  If we obtain compensation for you, like we have in thousands of other personal injury cases for our numerous clients, like them, you will get to keep 100% of the compensation you are due.  So, if you are awarded £2,000 for your whiplash injury, you keep the full £2,000.  There are absolutely no reductions on your compensation made by us.

Sounds great – but there must be some kind of catch, right?

No! Even if you lose the claim, which is unlikely because we only ever take on claims we genuinely believe will be successful, we do not charge you a penny.  This is because at the beginning of your compensation claim we take out an After the Event Insurance policy which covers some of our costs should your case be unsuccessful – this way we can recoup some of our losses.  And when we win, we can recover our costs from the other side directly.  You will not have to worry about facing a hefty lawyers bill.

You might turn around and ask what is stopping us from charging you?

Well, we write into our Genuine No Win, No Fee Agreement with yourself that we cannot ever try and recover our costs from you if the other side fail to pay us.  Even if we had an odd change of heart, we actually couldn’t do it.  You can genuinely sleep well at night knowing that you are not going to wake up the next morning with some greedy lawyers bill on your door mat!

Here is a quick run through again of the perks of instructing The Injury Lawyers to deal with your personal injury claim:

  • You genuinely keep 100% of your compensation
  • We CANNOT charge you – this is written in our agreement with you
  • We do not pay referral fees, so will not seek to recover our costs from you and we can maintain our high service levels
  • There are no horror stories with The Injury Lawyersand that’s a fact!

If you are unsure about anything why not give us a call today so that we can discuss your potential injury claim and go through our Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement with you? What’s better, we will happily send you out our paperwork by first class post on the day we speak to you and give you time to go through it and make sure you are happy before we take your instructions for us to act on your behalf in respect of your claim.  If at any point you have enquiries we are just a phone call away from providing you with expert assistance.

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