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Road Traffic Accidents – Motorways

At The Injury Lawyers we have a wealth of experience in dealing with road traffic accident claims, many of which stem from motorways. Motorway driving can be difficult and intimidating due to the high speed nature of it, as well as the close proximity of the cars. It is for this reason as well as others that motorways can be one of our accident hotspots.

Motorway driving requires heightened concentration and awareness of the road – if this is not utilised then accidents can happen. I have listed below some of the common reasons why accidents can occur on the motorway:

  • A negligent driver realising at the last moment that their junction is coming up soon and cutting across a multitude of lanes to exit the motorway, causing a collison and panic in other drivers.
  • A negligent driver driving too closely to the car in front and not taking heed of the traffic slowing down ahead, causing a rear end shunt collision.
  • Negligent drivers not following the Highway Code and undertaking – i.e. overtaking cars in a faster lane, thus causing a collision.
  • A negligent driver merging lanes without completing the proper checks, and so colliding with another vehicle.

If you have been involved in an accident as described above then you may have a strong claim for personal injury. It is a sad fact that if you have been involved in a motorway accident you are likely to have suffered more serious injuries. It is for this reason that you should choose to instruct a specialist personal injury lawyer with a vast amount of experience in dealing with road traffic accidents and serious injury cases.

You will probably be wondering whom you should instruct to take on your claim – this can be one of the most difficult decisions with making a claim, and so I have set out some benefits which you can look out for in a law firm below:

100% of your compensation: ensure that you get 100% of your compensation with no deductions and no hidden charges.

No solicitor’s costs for you to pay – this should be the case win or lose the claim. You should thoroughly check this fact is reflected in your no win no fee agreement before you agree to it.

Medical package – many law firms offer to arrange free medical treatment at no cost to their clients. This means not having to wait on NHS waiting lists and getting the treatment you need faster.

If you require any further information regarding the above then please give The Injury Lawyers a call.

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