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Vibration White Finger

havsMany of us are familiar with the above phrase but what is it, who does it affect and what are the symptoms? The first point to make is that it has changed its name! It is now referred to as Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). The term was altered as other symptoms may be present other than white fingers.

What is and what are the symptoms?

HAVS is caused by the prolonged use of vibrating tools and machinery such as pneumatic drills and power drills.

Although the condition is not life threatening, once you have developed HAVS it is permanent and can cause extreme pain, disability and people can lose their jobs as the physical demands of the job can no longer be met.

Symptoms can include the following:

  • Fingers will go white (hence the previous name!)
  • Fingers will feel cool – this is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the fingers and thus, reduced circulation
  • Tingling sensation
  • Pins and needles
  • Numbness and loss of feeling – picking up smaller objects may become difficult

Symptoms may remind mild but if you continue to use vibrating tools it is highly likely that your symptoms will progress to a much more severe level.

Can HAVS be prevented? The following are thought to help, although there is no extensive research to confirm that the definitely do:

  • Take regular breaks if working with vibrating tools – these be breaks of at least 10 minutes
  • Keep warm whilst working with vibrating tools; especially the hands – use anti-vibration gloves
  • If you are a smoker, STOP – tobacco reduces the blood flow, making you more at risk of experiencing numbness and pins and needles in the fingers.
  • Likely to be difficult, but try to hold the tools as lightly as possible

If you suspect you may be developing HAVS take action NOW to try and avoid the symptoms progressing.

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