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Cyclist Accident Claims

A large number of personal injury claims are caused by slips and trips by pedestrians because of defects or hazards on the footpaths, and road traffic accidents involving collisions between various road users.

However, over the last few years as people try to keep fit, save money, or help the environment, there have been an increasing number of cyclists on the roads. Although the government has introduced various measures, such as cycling lanes, to make using a bicycle safer and more convenient, it is unfortunate that the roads remain a dangerous place for cyclists.

The two most common types of accidents that result in personal injury to cyclists are the result of being hit by a vehicle whilst on the road, or because of a defect in the road or pavement surface.

If you are injured as a result of an accident caused by a defect in the road, such as a pothole or loose flagstone, whilst riding your bike, you have the same rights to claim against the local authority or land owner responsible for the upkeep of the area as you would if you were a pedestrian.

Cyclists injured in an accident caused by a motor vehicle are also entitled to claim against the person responsible for the accident. In the majority of cases, any personal injury claim will be dealt with by the driver’s insurance company. Because few cyclists have insurance, it is important that they seek professional legal advice as soon as possible after an accident.

In addition to compensation for any personal injury, cyclists who are victims of accidents can claim for damage to their bike, a replacement bike if their bike cannot be repaired or whilst it is being repaired, and any damage to their cycle helmet or clothing and other property.

Unfortunately, cyclists are more likely to suffer a serious injury as the result of an accident on the road than any other road user. It is also more common for cyclists who have been the victims of road traffic accidents to not report the accident.

If you are the victim of a road traffic accident whilst riding a bicycle, it is important to obtain the details of the person who caused the accident, including their insurance details if applicable. This is especially important if the vehicle does not stop; in which case the registration number of the vehicle should be reported to the police straight away.

Even if the driver responsible for the accident cannot be identified or does not have insurance, it is still possible that as a cyclist you can claim compensation through the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB).  The MIB was set up by the government to provide compensation to people injured in road traffic accidents where the driver responsible does not have any insurance or cannot be traced.

If you have been injured as the result of a cycling accident and you are would like to find out if you are entitled to compensation, call The Injury Lawyers for free legal advice.

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