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Whiplash – The Truth

When we hear the word whiplash, most of us think of a road accident involving the collision of vehicles.  It is true that whiplash is the most common type of injury caused from a road traffic accidents; however, this is not always the case. This type of injury can also be common in contact sports such as rugby and boxing, or from a slip or trip resulting in a fall.

What is whiplash? 

It is commonly soft tissue damage in the neck, back and shoulder areas; the head may jolt quickly backward and forwards, or sideways.  This sudden jolting motion causes damages to the ligaments and tendons.  We cannot always protect ourselves from incidents such as this, but if they happen, especially when it’s through no fault of our own, it can be very stressful and inconvenient.

The symptoms may not always be evident straight away – a slight discomfort at may appear first, but it can develop into severe pain and stiffness, headaches, and even sickness within 12 to 48 hours

If you have experienced an accident where you feel that you are suffering from whiplash – whatever the cause – it is advisable to have this checked out by your GP as soon as possible.  You may be advised to rest; you may be prescribed pain killers; or may even be recommended to take a course of treatment with a physiotherapist.  You may have had to have time off work/studying, missed gym sessions or regular social activities as a result of this, and it may be possible for you to claim compensation for all of these losses.

To discuss your concerns in more depth, call our friendly team today and we will provide you with free, no obligation advice on how compensation can be claimed, and whether you have a strong case to proceed with.

You will likely need to attend an independent medical appointment which we will arrange for you, and if you do have to have treatment, this can also be arranged through us at no cost to you and claimed back from the other party. 

At The Injury Lawyers, we will deal with your claim on a Genuine No Win, No Fee basis.  This means that you will receive all the compensation awarded to you for your injury, and if applicable, any losses incurred; including financial losses.

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