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Whiplash – The Injury

Whiplash is a word that for many of us has become part of our daily vocabulary – but what is whiplash and how is it caused?

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by or related to a sudden jolting of the neck and / or head area. One of the most common causes of whiplash is as a result of being struck from behind which causes the body to move forward, and in turn the neck to be thrown backwards.  Usually whiplash injuries are common in road traffic accidents, particularly where a person has been in a vehicle which was struck in the rear; although the injury can also be as a result of other accidents or contact sports.

The injury occurs as the body is initially pushed forwards with the head, as a result, going backwards. This movement causes the ‘whiplash’ type effect. The movement in a person’s neck can stretch and/or tear some of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck. These injuries may result from an impact coming from any direction, moving the head backwards and forwards or sideways.

The symptoms resulting from whiplash type injuries will vary and may not always be evident immediately after the impact has taken place. Sometimes the symptoms may not be evident for 24 to 48 hours after the incident.  Individuals may experience symptoms radiating from the neck into the shoulders and down the arm. Other symptoms such as headaches and sickness can also be common features of whiplash.

Treatment of whiplash type injuries can vary. Treatment can be in the form of ice-packs, painkilling medication and formal physiotherapy treatment.

It is advisable that individuals suffering with whiplash injuries, contact a medical professional for advice on how to treat/manage their injuries. A medical professional will be best placed to advise on the appropriate treatment an individual requires.

Such an injury may prevent individuals from carrying out daily or planned activities and may result in time off of work or study.  Social activities may be affected, care and assistance from friends or family members may be required due to a person’s restricted and painful movements.

In non-fault accidents, claims for loss of earnings, care and assistance, medication costs, travel expenses etc may all be recoverable. If a compensation claim is to be pursued following such an injury t is advisable to keep receipts and records of any purchases made in order that these can be submitted in support of the claim.

The amount of compensation received for whiplash injuries varies dependent upon the severity of the injury and prognosis for recovery.

If you have been unfortunate enough to have suffered such an injury you may wish to visit The Injury Lawyers whiplash calculator and log in your basic details to determine how much your compensation may be worth or call us direct for free, no obligation advice on how to proceed.

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