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Pedestrian Accident Compensation Claim Lawyers

Most people think that to make a claim for compensation in for a road traffic accident you have to be in a vehicle; well they cannot be more wrong! Pedestrians are entitled to compensation all the same.

If have been a pedestrian who has been injured as a result of someone else’s negligent actions you are entitled to compensation, it’s the law. In fact, the law generally favours the plight of the pedestrian, so you should have a strong case so long as you didn’t do anything daft like run out in front of the road.

Here are a few basic examples of pedestrian compensation claims that you may well be able to relate to:

  • The client was correctly crossing the road when a motorcyclist came speeding round a bend and negligently collided into him causing severe injuries. The Motorcyclist is clearly at fault as the client was correctly proceeding across the road.
  • The client had set off to cross the road after he had checked that the road was clear and the third party negligently collided into him due t pulling out from a side road and failing to look out for pedestrians. Again the motorist was at fault and the client was entitled to claim for the maximum amount of compensation possible.
  • The client was correctly walking along the pavement when a bus negligently caught the client with its wing mirror and knocked the client over. Again the bus is negligent and the client is entitled to compensation

OK, the last one isn’t so common! But it has happened to many people before unfortunately.

If any of the above sound familiar then you may well be entitled to compensation. Making a claim is simple and easy too; ignore all the myths that claiming for compensation is hectic and long-winded. In order to get everything started all you have to do is complete a Claim Notification Form which takes around 10 – 15 minutes to complete with the help of a specialist personal injury lawyer. (Like us, might I add)

The form contains details of what happened in the accident, why we think they are at fault and details of the injuries you sustained. Once complete we will submit the form electronically to the third party at fault who will have 1 business day to acknowledge receipt of the form and 15 business days in which to investigate and respond in relation to liability.

Simple and easy. Once we have a response we will organise a medical appointment to obtain your medical evidence in order to accurately value your claim. Once you are happy with the report and the valuation we will disclose this information to the third party and seek to negotiate your compensation for the maximum amount possible.

So, if you have been unfortunate to have been involved in a road traffic accident, do not hesitate and make a claim today. Call The Injury Lawyers on 0800 634 75 75 for free and friendly legal advice.

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