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Autumn Anarchy

autumnFurther to discussions in recent articles, the turn of the weather as the clocks go back, the skies go greyer, and the air gets colder sees an increase in accidents as a result of the winter weather.

And it’s not just the wetter roads and darker skies that lead to increases in all sorts of accidents.

According to a report, car owners have been warned that the autumn leaves, as pretty as they may be, are the cause of crashes due to the leaves affecting onboard computer systems that many modern cars are fitted with nowadays (source)

The report goes on to explain that the leaves can clog rain drains under the bonnet, causing water to leak into sensitive electronics and wreck the computer systems. This can cause anti-locking brake systems to fail and engines to clog, leading to vehicular failure and subsequent accidents.

It is imperative that road users regularly check the conditions of their vehicles as a preventative measure to try and ensure nothing can go wrong on the road. Vehicle owners have a duty to ensure their vehicle is regularly inspected and maintained; otherwise you are negligent!

And of course negligence is the key factor when it comes to personal injury claims for compensation.

If you are involved in a road traffic accident that was the result of a mechanical failure, then here is some simple advice:

  • If you were the victim of a third party’s vehicular failure, then you are entitled to claim for compensation!
  • It may be the case that the owner simply hasn’t regularly maintained their vehicle; however it may also be the case that recent work done on the vehicle has caused the fault. If this is the case, you may be entitled to claim for compensation from whoever carried out the maintenance work. This is however for the third party vehicle owner to prove!
  • If you were injured because of a fault with your vehicle that you can prove wasn’t your fault, then you are entitled to claim for compensation! Let’s say for example you require a routine maintenance service and the mechanics discover that your braking system has suffered some wear and needs replacement. The mechanic then replaces the system, but does so improperly. The result is that your brakes fail whilst driving and an accident occurs. The mechanic is liable for your accident! Their improper work on your vehicle is negligence on their part!

Seek advice form independent expert personal injury lawyers such as ourselves, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident as a result of someone else’s negligence. You are entitled to claim for the compensation you are legally entitled to!

And remember, stay safe on the road as the weather worsens!

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