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Industrial Lung Disease

Industrial lung diseases (also known as occupational lung diseases) include mesothelioma, occupational asthma, silicosis, and asbestosis. Exposure to asbestos in particular is well known to be dangerous, although it can be a number of years between exposure to asbestos fibres and the symptoms or injury coming to light.

Asbestos may be present in old buildings and is thought to pose no risk if left undisturbed. However, as buildings are demolished or renovated, extra care should be taken as asbestos becomes the so called “silent killer” when it is disturbed or damaged. Exposure to certain types of other materials such as gases, liquids, dusts or fumes may also cause some forms of industrial lung disease.

Exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma, a form of cancer. Even if you have been exposed to asbestos a number of years ago, you are still at risk of developing mesothelioma in the future. Generally mesothelioma does not show up until some 20 to 40 years after the exposure to asbestos.

Perhaps the most common type of occupational lung disease is work related asthma (known as occupational asthma). This is asthma that is caused or made worse by exposure in the workplace. There would have to be some kind of trigger in the workplace that caused the asthma to occur or get worse. The trigger would often be something inhaled such as a gas, fumes, dust or other particles in the air.

One of the oldest occupational lung diseases is silicosis. This is a dust related disease which is caused by exposure to and inhalation of silica. Silica is a group of minerals that is often found in mines, foundries, stone, clay, and glass manufacturing.

Exposure to asbestos can also cause a disease known as asbestosis. This is a progressive disease that results from breathing in asbestos fibres. As the asbestos fibres build up they can cause scarring in the lungs. Again, asbestosis may not show up until some 10 to 40 years after the exposure to asbestos.

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a form of industrial lung disease then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. It is important to note that the law imposes certain time limits on bringing claims for compensation. It is therefore imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible to see if you are entitled to make a claim.  Here at The Injury Lawyers we deal solely with personal injury claims; this is why we are specialists in the area.

Please do not hesitate to give us a call to discuss your claim on 0800 634 75 75.

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