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December 28, 2012

Knee Injury Compensation Claims

knee injury claimsKnee injuries – sometimes they can be like Marmite in the fact that you either get away with a minor strain or you end up needing surgery! The knee joint and the surrounding area is a complex structure of ligaments, muscle, cartilage and bone that can easily be pulled, torn, or worse of all, ruptured.

If you’re lucky enough to pull or strain something, you’re probably facing a few weeks or months of pain and possible limping, but overall you should be fine. If you tear something, it may require surgery; if you rupture something, you’ll pretty much defiantly be on the operating table and facing 8 or so weeks none weight baring and consequently needing months of physiotherapy to rebuild the strength of your leg and knee joint.

That’s why it is important to get the right lawyer for a claim for compensation. The brackets for awards can vary considerably given the huge difference between a comparatively simple strain and needing reconstructive surgery following a ligament rupture. The knock on effect from that is probably a great deal of time off work with possible lost earnings, needing a lot of care and assistance from family and friends (which can be claimed back at an hourly rate for the carer as part of a case), and a lot of misery and boredom!
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December 18, 2012

Accidents in Sports Centres

make a claim after an accident at the gym or leisure centreAccidents in sports centres are more common than most people realise. Unless you work in a law firm you probably do not realise the amount of accidents and enquiries that we receive to do with sports centres. Accidents in sports centres (and in particular at the gym) are fairly common. Perhaps one of the main reasons for the increase in accidents is the increase in people attending the gym.

It is the responsibility of the owners of gyms and leisure centres to ensure that the premises are safe for the public to use and to eliminate any potential risks. The owners leave themselves open to personal injury claims if they do not provide a safe environment for the public.

Gym injuries could occur for a variety of reasons. There are the obvious accidents such as people slipping on a wet floor or tripping over mats or equipment. Injuries can occur through use of gym equipment especially if the person was not given any instruction on how to use certain equipment. When you start at a gym, if you are not familiar with the equipment, then you should be given a formal induction whereby you are shown how to use all the facilities in a safe and proper manner. Most gyms will insist on a mandatory induction even if you have used previous gyms in the past. If you are lifting weights for example, you can easily sustain injury if you do not use the correct procedure or technique.
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accident report
December 04, 2012

Why accident claim payouts can be different for each case

Compensation is based upon the severity of your injuries and how long the injuries will affect your everyday life. As such, there is not really such a thing as a “standard” payout for any particular injury as everyone can be affected differently.

In law the defendant has to take the claimant as they find them – for example if your injury is an exacerbation of an existing injury this doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to claim as, of-course, if it wasn’t for the injury, your condition would not have been aggravated!

So how is a payout assessed? Well, put simply a payout is always assessed on the particular facts of each individual case. There is no such thing as one payout for this injury and another for something else – each case will have its own individual payout.
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November 21, 2012

The Economic Climate and Compensation Claims

The economic climate does have an impact on compensation claims and this area has been covered in the news on many occasions. Some say that work accident compensation claims are becoming more frequent due to the economic climate.

The argument is that, as businesses look for bigger profits, they will often leave their employees with greater exposure to health and safety risks. Another point is that people may be more inclined to bring a claim for compensation if they sustain injury. If the economy was better and people were more content with the money they were earning, it could be said that they would be less likely to bring a compensation claim.

Obviously if you sustain injury at work for example, then it is your right to bring a compensation claim. Whether you exercise the right to claim is entirely a personal choice.
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November 21, 2012

Injured by a Stolen Car

Being involved in any road traffic accident can cause stress, anger and inconvenience no matter how minor the accident may be. But being involved in an accident with a stolen uninsured vehicle makes the situation even worse.

I imagine being involved in a collision with a stolen vehicle is not a pleasant experience for anyone. There is the constant worry and concern about what you will do. Well to put your mind at rest, there is still action that you can take if you have been involved in a collision with a stolen uninsured vehicle.
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November 19, 2012

3 Months off Work with Whiplash

With a whiplash injury, you can often be left with limited movement which means that a lot of the time you have to have time off work. This is usually a few weeks until the acute stage of your injury has settled down.

However, for some, the whiplash injury can be more serious and result in a long time off work. Whiplash injuries vary from mild, to moderate, and severe; and they can affect people in very different ways.

Most whiplash sufferers are able to manage to go to work after a couple of weeks though the use of painkillers, heat rubs and heat pads etc but some are left debilitated and will need therapy, injections and sometimes even surgery in order to help them on their way to recovery. Therefore a longer period of time away from work is necessary.
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November 18, 2012

SSP Recovery Personal Injury Claim

SSP stands for Statutory Sick Pay. If you have been injured at work for example, then you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim. Depending on your contract with your employer, you may be entitled to full pay if you are off work as a result of your injuries.

Alternatively you may be eligible for part pay or you may not be eligible for pay at all. SSP is a payment made to many employees if their employer does not have a sick pay scheme, subject to certain criteria; however it does not provide the same amount of income as an employee’s normal wage.

When you make a personal injury claim, you can claim General Damages which covers your injury and you can claim Special Damages which covers, among other things, loss of earnings. The only difficulty is that most heads of claim are settled at the end of a claim, so if you are out of work with no income, then it can be some time later when you eventually recover your lost earnings. Interim payments (payments made to you before the conclusion of your claim) can be made to cover bills and other immediate losses or difficulties (however there is never a guarantee that the other side will agree to an interim payment).
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November 15, 2012

Injuries Caused by Heavy Lifting

Chances are that every day you will pick something up and move it from one place to another – for some people it might be something as simple and as stress free as a TV remote or a coffee mug, but for others a large part of their working life involves moving objects of various shapes and weights from one place to another.

If you are one of these people that have to deal with heavy or unusual objects as a part of your job then you will no doubt be aware that every time you lift a heavy item you are risking injury to some very important parts of your body.

The most common injuries involved in lifting accidents are injuries to the back but that doesn’t meant that other parts of the body cannot be affected and injuries to hands, the arms, your neck and your torso could all be related to the heavy objects that you have to lift at work. You can easily stretch or tear any number of muscles or ligaments and tendons when moving something.
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November 13, 2012

Quick Claims from the Start – Road Accidents

Making  a claim for compensation following a Road Traffic Accident is now so much easier and quicker than it used to be, if your accident was on or after 30th April 2012.

The Ministry of Justice introduced a new protocol to follow for these accidents: “The Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents”. I know, bit of a mouthful so let’s just say the Road Traffic Accident Protocol for now. This protocol is for claims for personal injury which are worth under £10,000.

The claim is started by submitting a Claims Notification Form. This is a form which contains your information, the information of the at fault party, the details of your injuries and treatment and the accident details. This is sent to the insurer of the at fault party electronically.
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November 10, 2012

Not Happy with Medical Experts Report

If you are pursuing, or have pursue in the past, a personal injury compensation claim, then you are more than likely aware of the importance of medical reports. A medical report is key in any personal injury claim as it helps Solicitors and Barristers to properly value your claim.

If a medical report is wrong, incomplete or inaccurate then this could have serious repercussions for you and your payout. Obviously this is why we always check if you are happy with a medical report before disclosing it to the other side. Once a report is disclosed to the other side you cannot seek to get the report amended. A medical report is only disclosed to the other side once you have confirmed that you agree with its contents.

So, if you receive a medical report and you are not happy with it, what can you do? First of all you should take some time in studying the report, bearing in mind that a medical expert will have got the information from you at examination and he or she may have also used information from medical records such as GP and Hospital records, accident reports etc. You should clearly state to your Solicitor which parts of the medical report you agree with and which parts of the medical report you do not agree with. Also state the reasons why you do not agree with certain parts of the report. Simply saying “I do not agree with the report” is not really of much help.
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