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November 30, 2011

Christmas Time Pre-Medical Offers

I imagine that most of you reading this blog will be well aware that Christmas is approaching.  Shops have all their decorations up and have made it only too clear that Christmas is coming.  City centres have begun putting up their decorations up as well, and television already has so many Christmas adverts.  In fact, I might go so far as to say that we cannot get away from the fact that Christmas is almost upon us!

Christmas is a time for giving; but unfortunately giving can sometimes cost a fair bit of money, especially if you have children, or a close but extended family. 

Insurers are only too aware of this fact as we at The Injury Lawyers know only too well.  If you have an injury claim, given the time of year and money being that little bit tighter, it is not uncommon for an insurer to put forward an offer to settle your claim now at an early stage in the case.  This is what we call a pre-medical offer – an offer to settle your claim, made by the third party, before you have had a chance to obtain medical evidence in support of your injuries.  In other words, it is an offer, by the insurer, to get rid of your claim as soon as they can.
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November 29, 2011

How Much is My Claim Worth? – Pre Medical Offers

So, you might have heard of friends/family who say “I had my claim settled at £1000.00 in a month” or something along these lines. The chances are that this is an early settlement offer they have accepted which we call a “pre med” offer, and although it seems like a quick and easy option, there are a number of risks when accepting pre meds which means it is not always a beneficial thing to do.

To explain what I mean by a “pre-med” – this is the term for an offer made without the use of expert medical evidence. I.e. “pre-medical”. Insurers tend to use these tactical offers at the outset of claims following an admission of liability to get claims settled as cheaply as possible, and off their desks as quickly as possible for them.

In the run up to Christmas, the amount of pre-medical offers we receive significantly increases as the insurers play on the needs of people to have more money over the Christmas period for presents and festivities. Pre med offers are generally around the region of £1000.00£2000.00. Without expert medical evidence, it is simply impossible to place an accurate valuation on your injuries.
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November 29, 2011

Accidents While Shopping

At The Injury Lawyers, we frequently speak to people who have been injured whilst out shopping at the supermarket.  Often they want to know if they have a claim, and if we are happy to advise them for free about their chances of winning. 

We advise that any potential claim can be brought about as an Occupier’s Liability claim, which means that if you are a visitor to premises, in this case a supermarket, the supermarket owes you a duty of care to ensure that you are safe whilst in their premises. 

So, if you have an accident at a supermarket and believe it was not your fault, you could bring a claim for compensation against the supermarket for neglecting this duty of care.
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November 29, 2011

Bus Accident Claims – What to Do!

Public Transport Accidents Rise with Petrol Increase.

Despite the recent statement by the government to scrap the 3p rise on fuel duty planned for January, families continue to struggle with the higher petrol prices we are subject to every day. As a result, more and more people are turning to public transport.

With the increase of usage of public transport, there is a noticeable rise of road traffic accident claims involving passengers on public transport.
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November 29, 2011

Road Accident Claims

Have you been in a road traffic accident? Did your accident occur after 30th April 2010? Did the accident occur in England or Wales? If you have answered yes to all three questions here, you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries as a result of your accident through the Road Traffic Accident Protocol.

The Road Traffic Accident Protocol is a more efficient and effective procedure to get the compensation you deserve. The Road Traffic Accident Protocol uses a Claims Notification Form which provides the Defendant insurers with all the circumstances surrounding your accident, and is submitted through an electronic portal to speed the process up.

We all would like claiming for compensation to be as simple and easy as possible – well now it is! All you need to do is ensure that you have all the following information and give us a call today and we can get your claim moving on that very same day!
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November 24, 2011

Compensation for Sporting Injuries

In the United Kingdom, if you have been injured as a result of somebody else’s negligence, you are able to obtain compensation from the negligent party to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have happened. 

At The Injury Lawyers, we typically deal with injuries that arise from road traffic accidents and accidents at work, or those out and about in your local town centre –  but so long as you have been injured through someone else’s negligence, claiming for compensation is not confined to these types of accident.

A further type of injury claim is one for injuries that people have sustained whilst playing sport.  However, there are many things to consider when assessing the prospects of success of a sporting injury claim.  Firstly, what you have to realise is that, when you play sport, you are accepting the inherent risks of injury involved with that particular sport.  For instance, if you are a boxer, you are accepting that you will get punched in the face and might end up with a black eye or a broken nose.  In rugby, you are accepting that you are going to face some tough, heavy challenges for the ball, which carries an inherent risk of injury in doing so. 
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November 23, 2011

Road Traffic Accidents Involving Uninsured Drivers

Road traffic accident claiming is straightforward – especially where the other driver has insurance as the usual route is to claim compensation from the insurance company.  However, it has been suggested that there are over one million uninsured drivers in the United Kingdom

So, how do you make a claim for compensation against an uninsured driver? After all, pursuing the driver themselves may not be fruitful as they will in all likelihood not be worth suing.  Does this mean that you cannot be compensated for the injuries you sustained at the hands of a negligent uninsured driver? No.

Over five decades ago, in 1946, an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau was set up to compensate the innocent victims of negligent uninsured drivers.  A compensation fund was started with roughly £15 to £30 of everyone’s yearly insurance policy being contributed.  This has meant that millions of innocent victims of negligent uninsured drivers have been able to obtain compensation for their injuries and vehicle damages.  It would be unjust if they could not be compensated simply because the negligent third party has broken the law – the Motor Insurers’ Bureau is able to deal with the claim and provide compensation like an insurer would.
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November 15, 2011

Passenger Claim Injury

At The Injury Lawyers, the most common type of claim we deal with is that arising from injuries from a road traffic accident.  With a new procedure which came into place after April 2010 that streamlined the claims process, obtaining compensation got a whole lot more efficient and faster. 

Before, a road accident claim could take a fair few months or even a couple of years under the previous system; now you could receive payment confirmation within a couple of weeks and have your claim settled in less than a couple of months.  Anyone put off claiming for compensation for their injuries out of a car crash should not do so if this is on the basis that the matter is likely to drag on – it is in fact unlikely it will drag on!

In the most part, people also seem to think that it is only the driver of the motor vehicle that can be compensated.  For instance, if someone goes into the back of the driver’s motor vehicle, the driver in the vast majority of circumstances can obtain compensation.  That said, if it was the driver who caused the accident, then the driver cannot be compensated for their injuries as these injuries are not due to someone else’s negligence.  But what if you are an innocent passenger?
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November 14, 2011

How much is my personal injury claim worth?

You’ve had an accident. You think, or you know, that you are entitled to claim for compensation. Perhaps you are just about to start a claim, and you’re interested to know what it could be worth. Perhaps you’re soon to be settling your case, and you are intrigued as to what you could be paid out. Perhaps you have been given a valuation, and you are not happy.

Whatever the case, the answers to your questions are here!
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November 14, 2011

What Happens After a Bus Accident – Have I Got a Claim?

When we talk of road traffic accidents our first thought is that this typically involves two or more cars. 

However, road traffic accidents incorporate all sorts of vehicles and pedestrians.  One of the rarer sorts of road traffic accident claims is that which involve buses.  If you or your lawyer can demonstrate that the injuries you sustained whilst on a bus were due to the negligence of a third party driver, you have a very real chance of obtaining compensation for those injuries – at the end of the day you are the innocent victim of someone else’s negligence.

Here are a few circumstances where you might have a claim:
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