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November 09, 2011

Product liability – What is it?

Call me old fashioned, but I am a great believer in reliability. I enjoy great comfort in the fact that when I return home after a hard days work, I am welcomed by the unwavering reliability my sky plus gives me from recording Eastenders on series link. I enjoy great comfort in the knowledge that a cup of tea in the morning will always put a smile on face,  and most importantly, although I recieve next to no enjoyment from it, I  feel comfortable in the complete reliability that my football team, when it really matters, will always let me down. To coin a motto from a well known DIY advertisement, I seek a quiet satisfaction in knowing that the things in my life do ‘exactly what they say on the tin’, and this applies none so more than to the plethora of merchandise existing on our very own reliable outlet stores and internet suppliers existing today.

With this in mind then, it is important to understand that if at any time you have purchased a product under the impression that it is completely safe and suitable for usage, only to find that it fails to deliver what was intially described, either in it’s operation, or more importantly it’s safety causing you hurt physically or otherwise, you have the right to do something about it. You, like me can seek great reliabilty in the knowledge that theres every opportunity for you to claim through the avenue of product liabiltiy.

When Individuals are the subject of harm brought about soley by the consequence of an unsafe product, there is a great possibility that they may have valid grounds for bringin a claim of negligence against either the manufacturer of the product or also it’s designer or seller systematically.
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November 09, 2011

Zebra Crossing Claims

The number of pedestrians who are involved in road traffic accidents is quite shocking.  Despite various safety campaigns and procedures being in place, at The Injury Lawyers we come across a fair few pedestrian injury claims ourselves as well as those we read in the news.  It would seem that, despite pedestrians having their own pavements and specific crossings, there are still drivers out there who will negligently cause an accident with a pedestrian.

One particular type of pedestrian accident claim is those where the innocent pedestrian has been using a zebra crossing and a negligent third party driver has failed to heed their presence and take the necessary precautions and has instead collided with the pedestrian.

Zebra crossings are different to those with traffic lights and in fact it would seem that it is the lack of traffic lights which has made them somewhat more dangerous.  Everyone should know that on crossings with traffic lights you push the button, wait for the green man to appear, signalling that the lights have turned red and all traffic should have stopped, and cross.  However, it would seem that the lack of traffic lights on zebra crossings means that drivers are not taking into account the possibility that a pedestrian may be waiting to cross.
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November 09, 2011

Quick Car Claims

Have you been injured in a road traffic accident?  Are you anxious about making a claim because you don’t want the potential hassle of the prolonged length of time it takes to get the compensation you deserve?  Well fear no more –  Making a road traffic accident personal injury claim is now much easier and quicker than ever before under the new Road Traffic Accident Protocol.

Road traffic accident claims are now sent via an electronic communication portal which provides a secure electronic exchange of all claim information between us and the insurers for the other side.  By using this electronic communication portal you can have a quicker claim, and a potentially better service with some lawyers.

Since 30th April 2010 the process for road traffic accident claims has been streamlined in order to process claims more efficiently and effectively.  The new Road Traffic Accident Protocol has 3 different stages.
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November 08, 2011

Building Site Injuries

Site Safety, Protective Equipment, Work Equipment, Private Residences / Small Builders

Building sites are dangerous places – it’s the reason why the health and safety rules and regulations are so tight for people who have to either access them or work on them. The standard “hard hats and safety boots” are usually on signs dotted around various entry points to sites to make sure the basic protection is provided; but there is of course much more to it than that.

Site Safety
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November 02, 2011

Workplace Accidents – What Next?

If you have been injured as a result of an accident at work, you may be entitled to claim compensation. The latest government figures for 2010 show that 147 people were killed whilst at work, and over 121,000 other accidents happened at work that were serious enough to need reporting to the governments Health and Safety Executive.

If you are injured whilst you are at work or because of your work, your employer may be responsible for paying you compensation if they have failed to meet their legal responsibility to keep their employees safe.

In the vast majority of cases, the claim will be dealt with by the employer’s insurance company. It is a legal requirement for all employers to have insurance in place to cover the risk of employees being injured at work.
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November 01, 2011

Making a Claim – Step By Step Guide

The step by step guide of pursuing a claim for personal injury with The Injury Lawyers

If only I had a pound for every time I hear the words “Well liability has been admitted, so why hasn’t my claim settled yet?” then I’d be a very rich person indeed! The answer to that is that there are a number of steps involved in pursuing a claim for personal injury that need to be resolved aside from just liability.

So, I thought I would give you a brief oversight of the claims process to assist you in understanding it and to give you a full picture of the goings on in a claim for personal injury.
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By Author
October 31, 2011

What to do if you are Involved in a Car Accident

As more and more people drive cars and our roads become increasingly crowded it is a sad fact that the chances of you being involved in a road traffic accident are higher than ever before.

If you are involved in a road accident, it is important to try not to panic. If the accident is serious, you should call the emergency services and offer any help and assistance to the injured people that you can safely provide.

If anyone was injured in the accident it is always a good idea to call the police to the scene. They will advise you whether it is safe to leave and also make a report of the accident that could be useful later on.
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By Author
October 28, 2011

Cyclist Accident Claims

A large number of personal injury claims are caused by slips and trips by pedestrians because of defects or hazards on the footpaths, and road traffic accidents involving collisions between various road users.

However, over the last few years as people try to keep fit, save money, or help the environment, there have been an increasing number of cyclists on the roads. Although the government has introduced various measures, such as cycling lanes, to make using a bicycle safer and more convenient, it is unfortunate that the roads remain a dangerous place for cyclists.

The two most common types of accidents that result in personal injury to cyclists are the result of being hit by a vehicle whilst on the road, or because of a defect in the road or pavement surface.
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October 28, 2011

5 Things You NEED to Know about Making a Claim!

The wonderful World Wide Web is an absolute wealth of useful information. I honestly don’t know how I’d live without it!

There are literally hundreds – if not, thousands – of websites, blogs, news articles, and resources that give you information about making a claim for compensation, and what you should do. So, to help you out, here is a concise guide containing the 5 essential things you need to know about making a claim for compensation. Hopefully this should answer all of your queries!

1. You’ve had an accident, what should you do!?
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October 21, 2011

Personal Injury – Making a Claim

Personal injury and how to claim may seem like a daunting prospect to grasp at first; particularly when it’s riddled with crazy legal jargon and terminology. It will come as no surprise when I tell you that accident victims can be easily overwhelmed and disheartened at the idea of claiming. When paired with the substantially traumatising experience of the accident itself, victims are often left feeling angry, alienated, and cheated.

But fear not! Help is at hand, in the shape of our genuine No win, No fee agreement, shouldering the burden and pressures which accompany claiming for compensation, giving you the time and priority needed to focus your attentions on more important issues, such as your speedy recovery.

After information about your claim has been received, our primary action is the creation of a letter of claim which states the critical information surrounding your accident. This is sent to the third party defendant (person or company at fault). From here the third party defendant has a period of three weeks with which to pass this letter of claim to any relevant insurers, insurance brokers, or solicitors who represent them, or confirm they are dealing with it themselves.
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