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July 27, 2011

Have I Got a Claim for Compensation?

This is the one of the most common questions we hear here at The Injury Lawyers, and hence the reason for dedicating a blog to the subject.

The best way to find out if you have a claim is to contact a specialist personal injury law firm. Many law firms such as The Injury Lawyers offer free claims assessments, so whether we take your claim on or not, you don’t have to pay a penny. So, it seems you have nothing to lose by getting some free legal advice and assessing your options.

So have you got a claim…?
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July 26, 2011

Why Make a Claim for Compensation?

There may be many accident victims out there suffering from their injuries and wondering whether to make a claim for compensation – hence the reason for writing this blog. If you have been involved in an accident that was due to the negligence of another, and you have been injured as a result, you may be entitled to make a claim. I have listed below some of the main benefits of beginning a claim, many of which you may not have realised existed.

Compensation for Injury

I will begin with the most obvious reasons why people begin claims for personal injury, and that is of course for compensation for their injuries.  This compensation is meant to reflect both the pain and suffering due to your injuries as well as your loss of amenity.  Loss of amenity means the adverse effects the injury has had on all areas of your life.
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July 26, 2011

Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash is actually a pretty complicated injury.  There can at times be no telling how long your whiplash will last for, and the amount of pain and suffering you will have from your whiplash injury can vary significantly between different people.  If anything, and I hate to break the news to anyone who has just sustained a whiplash injury, the pain and suffering is likely to get worse before it gets better.

Some symptoms of whiplash:

  • Neck, back, shoulder pain or stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Pins and needles
  • Light-headedness / headaches

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July 26, 2011

Uninsured or Untraced Claims

If you have been unfortunate enough to have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or untraced driver (i.e. the driver fled the scene without leaving their details), then you may still be entitled to claim for compensation through an organisation known as The Motor Insurers Bureau (or MIB for short).

To not be able to claim for an injury caused by a road accident that was not your fault would simply be unfair and unjust; hence why The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) was set up in order to deal with uninsured and untraced claims. The MIB also deal with hit and run cases under its untraced agreement.

The MIB is funded by motor insurance companies and helps around 25,000 people per year make a claim. The fact that it is funded by the insurance companies means that, ultimately, they are funded by us and our insurance premiums – the MIB have calculated this cost to be around £15 – £30 per policy a year.
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July 25, 2011

Road Traffic Accidents – the Hotspots

Road traffic accidents are becoming increasingly common nowadays. This is probably due to the fact that roads are becomingly more and more clogged up with drivers in a rush and not paying the necessary care and attention whilst out on the road. These accidents also seem to occur most prevalently in traffic meeting places which I have gone on to discuss below:


Many people can find roundabouts difficult to navigate; especially some of the larger ones. If someone is not completely sure of where they are going and which exit to take, this can be understandable, but it is sometimes these people who cause many of the accidents on our roundabouts. Accidents tend to be most commonly caused through people realising at the last moment they are in the wrong lane and cutting across lanes and causing collisions.
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By Author
July 22, 2011

Whiplash Compensation

Whiplash can have extremely debilitating effects. At The Injury Lawyers we treat whiplash with the utmost seriousness as we realise, from the great amount of experience we have, that whiplash has serious effects.

Causes and Symptoms…

At The Injury Lawyers we see whiplash most commonly as a result of road traffic accidents. This is because the condition is caused by a sudden jolt to the head which causes the neck to move beyond its normal range of movement.
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By Author
July 21, 2011

Whiplash Symptoms

At The Injury Lawyers we are seeing cases of whiplash more and more frequently. One of the reasons for this may be that there seems to be an increased number of road accidents which are one of the most common causes of whiplash. Whatever the reason for this increase, at The Injury Lawyers we are equipped to deal with your claim, and we treat whiplash with the utmost seriousness and respect it deserves.

The reason why the main cause of whiplash is road traffic accidents is that the cause of the condition is through a jolt to the head / neck area. This is very common in road accidents and many do not realise they have whiplash until a few hours later, or even the following day. This is because whiplash does not become apparent in most people until 6 – 12 hours after the accident itself; it’s therefore common for people not to report injury at the scene but then suffer later on.

The symptoms that people can suffer from are:
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By Author
July 21, 2011

Manhole and Utility Cover Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we get a great number of claims stemming from uncovered manholes or defective utility covers causing people injury. This is probably due to the fact that they are common in our streets, and if they are not maintained and repaired when necessary, they can easily cause someone injury.

There are a number of ways an injury can be caused by a defective manhole cover – I have given a couple of common instances below that we see here at The Injury Lawyers:

  1. Tripping over a defective utility cover– if the utility cover is raised, unsecured, or tilts with your weight, and as a result causes you to trip or fall, you may have a valid claim for personal injury. We have further advice on our website regarding trips, slips and falls.
  2. Falling down an uncovered manhole – If a manhole is left uncovered, it should have warning signs surrounding it and it should be adequately cordoned off. If you have fallen down a manhole which failed to have any of the aforementioned, then you may have a strong personal injury claim.

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By Author
July 21, 2011

Whiplash Claims

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury which occurs when the neck / spine goes beyond its typical range of movement – for example if it is overstretched or strained – usually as a result of the neck / spine being suddenly jolted.  When people think of whiplash there is a tendency to relate it to car accidents; but it can also occur during other activities such as sports.

Do I have whiplash?
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July 21, 2011

Accidents in a Supermarket

If you have had an accident in a supermarket that was not your fault, and you suffered injury as a result, you may have a claim for compensation.

There are a number of ways an accident can occur in a supermarket – I have listed some of the more common types of accidents below:

  1. Slipping on a spillage that was negligently left uncleaned.
  2. Tripping on an item negligently left on the floor of an aisle.
  3. Items falling on you from a poorly stacked shelf.

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