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June 28, 2011

Genuine No Win, No Fee Blog

At The Injury Lawyers, it is our firm belief that our clients should receive 100% of their compensation.  In other words, if our client obtains £10,000 in compensation, The Injury Lawyers will not take a penny away from that, and will make sure that you get the whole £10,000.  So – How then do we get paid?  Simple: where your claim is successful, we are able to recover our reasonable costs from the other side, the Defendant.  This is exactly why we never charge our clients a penny; because we can seek our costs from the other side.  Too good to be true?  Read on.

At The Injury Lawyers we work under a genuine no win, no fee agreement with our clients.  This is an agreement with yourselves that specifically states as a contractual term that we cannot recover our costs from the Claimant (i.e. you).  We believe this is rather unique within the legal word.  This is because, although we do not believe many other personal injury law firms would charge their clients for their work, their agreement usually states that they will only seek to recover their costs from the other side; leaving the possibility that if they are unsuccessful in seeking their fees back, they may look to recover their outstanding costs from you!  At The Injury Lawyers, that is not possible.  We have specifically barred ourselves from doing so.  If you have an injury claim and you believe you will be successful, we will send you out our paperwork and you can check for yourself.

What if we lose your claim?  How do we get paid then?
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June 25, 2011

Untraced and Uninsured Road Claims

If you have been unlucky enough to have been involved in a road traffic accident with a third party that was uninsured, or fled the scene of the accident and cannot be traced, where you are injured as a result you can still make a claim for compensation for those injuries.  This is because there is an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’) who have been set up to deal with these types of claim where the negligent third party driver is either uninsured or untraced. 

Do not fear that because the other side have no insurance or have not stuck around that you cannot make a claim for compensation for your injuries; to be unable to do so would simply be unfair.  To make a claim for compensation, you are required to submit an MIB claim form.  This is relatively straightforward, but is always recommended that you have a quality injury lawyer on your side so that they can take you through the process and make sure that you get the best advice and maximum compensation you deserve.

At The Injury Lawyers, we have a wealth of experience in dealing with road traffic accident claims, and can both show you how to fill out an MIB claim form, and guide you through the claims process.  We work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement which means that we will not charge you a penny for our work.  This is because we can recover our costs from the other side.  This is even if you lose.  We can do this because we only ever take on your claim if we believe it has genuine prospects of success and so it is actually rare for your claim to be unsuccessful.
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June 21, 2011

Whiplash Claims Average Payout

At The Injury Lawyers, we pride ourselves for being highly experienced in dealing with whiplash claims.  It is this experience that allows us to say to our clients that we strive to get them the best possible amount of compensation for their whiplash claim. But how much compensation are you likely to receive for a successful whiplash claim?
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June 20, 2011

Car Accident Claims – How to Make a Claim!

At The Injury Lawyers, we know that road traffic accidents occur all the time.  As expert injury lawyers, we deal with road accident claims on a daily basis.  Our experience also tells us that if you have been involved in a road traffic accident and you have ended up being injured through no fault of your own, it is highly likely that you are due compensation for your injuries.  The aim of this blog is to give you a quick guide as to how to go about making a claim arising out of a road traffic accident.

A new protocol for low value personal injury claims for road accidents has made making a claim for compensation much easier, and much more streamlined.

Under previous rules, the negligent driver’s insurer were allowed a period of around 4 months in which to investigate your claim, and further to an admission of liability, it could still take a matter of months before you received your compensation.  Under the new protocol, your claim is submitted via an online portal.  The other side now only have 1 day in which to acknowledge receipt of your claim form, and then are allowed a further 15 working days in which to come back with their position on liability.  Once liability has been admitted for your accident you will be medically examined, and your injury lawyer will put together all details of any losses arising from your accident and submit these, along with your medical report, to the other side.  Once this is done, your injury lawyers will negotiate the best settlement for you.
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By Author
June 20, 2011

Whiplash Claim Calculator

There is only one true way you can calculate how much a claim for compensation:

  • With an independent specialist personal injury lawyer; and
  • An independent medical report from a fully qualified medico-legal expert

Any other way is simply guesswork, estimations, and averages. You can only be guaranteed to receive the maximum payout with the above combination.
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By Author
June 20, 2011

Road Accident Claims Guide

It seems like we hear about road accidents occurring everyday – whether it be on traffic news updates on the radio, seeing reports in the newspapers, or hearing about them on the news. It seems that the sad fact is that road traffic accidents are a constantly common occurrence.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation. This blog aims to illustrate the ease in which you can now bring a claim for a road traffic accident, as well as the added benefits that making a claim can bring.

How does the claims process work?
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By Author
June 15, 2011

Road Accident Claims – Roundabouts

Road Traffic accidents can happen for all sorts of reasons, and in all sorts of places. However, it seems that accident hotspots are in those areas where a high volume of traffic is coming to a meeting point. One of these such areas are roundabouts, and I have listed some of the reasons why roundabouts are a cause of many accidents below:

  • Drivers negligently not giving way to vehicles entering the roundabout to the right, as per road regulations, and causing a collision.
  • Drivers negligently not taking heed of traffic stopping in front of them, and causing a rear end collision with another car in traffic.
  • Drivers negligently pulling out onto a roundabout across the path of a car already on it, and thus causing a collision.
  • Negligent drivers being in the incorrect lane to take an exit, and suddenly cutting across lanes, causing a collision with another vehicle and/or panic with other drivers moving out of the way, and causing a collision.

If you have been involved in an accident you were not at fault, you may have a claim for compensation. After an accident, you should exchange details with the party at fault so a claim can be brought against them. If the other party is uncooperative, take a note of their registration number and a law firm can complete an insurance search to find out their insurers details. You should also check if there were any witnesses to your accident as their evidence could prove to be valuable later on down the line in your claim. Medical assistance should also be sought as soon as possible, as this not only allows for you injuries to be assisted with, but also allows for the medic to place a note in your medical records.
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June 15, 2011

Accidents at Work

If you suffer an accident at work, and it was through no fault of your own, you may have a successful claim for compensation.  At The Injury Lawyers, we realise that claiming against your employers can be a difficult task to achieve; that is why law firms such as us are here to act on your behalf. Plus, employers should have liability insurance in place to deal with these types of situations, and should not treat you any differently due to the fact you have begun a claim against them.

There are many reasons why you may have an accident at work and a valid claim against your employer – some of these have I gone on to list below:

Slips and Trips
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By Author
June 08, 2011

Whiplash Claiming

Whiplash can be an injury which is caused in many different ways; however, here at The Injury Lawyers, we tend to see it as a result of a road traffic accident more than anything else. Whiplash is a condition which can be overlooked and underestimated by those who have not suffered with it themselves – one reasons for this is that it is not so plain to the naked eye as a broken bone or a laceration, and so onlookers can discount it. Here at The Injury Lawyers we take a very serious approach to whiplash, as we know what a devastating effect it can have on all aspects of a person’s life.


Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolting to the head, which is sudden and forceful enough to move the neck beyond it’s normal range of movement, causing damage to the muscles and tendons in that area.
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June 03, 2011

Product Liability Claiming

When I say Product Liability, all this means is that you have purchased a product which has caused you harm in some way after you have used it according to the instructions provided. The product has caused you harm through no fault of your own.

There are different types of product liability claiming – the topic of this blog will be on two of them.

Faulty Products
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