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May 27, 2011

Accidents in a Supermarket

If you add up all the time you spend in a supermarket over your lifetime, I think you may be surprised at how large the result comes out as. Together with this, all bands of people use and require the services a supermarket offers – whether this be the elderly, the young, or those that may be suffering with a medical condition. With this in mind, it is crucial that safety standards are kept incredibly high – and on the most part, this is the case; however, for a small minority of people, accidents can happen.

If you have had an accident in a supermarket that was not your fault, you may be entitled to claim for compensation.  Supermarkets, like anywhere else, have a duty to protect their customers, as far as is reasonably possible, from risks to their health and safety, and in doing so, must comply with strict health and safety standards. Therefore, if you have had an accident due to their negligence, you may have a claim.

There are many potential hazards in a supermarket; some of which I have listed below:
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May 26, 2011

Accidents at School – How to Claim for Children

Sending your child off to begin their first day of school can be a challenging thing to see. However, we all put our trust in the fact that the staff at the school will take good care of our children.  On the whole, this trust is well-founded; however, there are a small minority of people out there for whom this is not the case.

We hear from many distressed parents whose children have suffered an accident whilst at school which was through no fault of their own, and we are able to give free legal advice in order to assess whether they have a valid claim.

Litigation friend
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May 25, 2011

Uninsured and Untraced Road Accident Claims

Being involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault can be a frustration in itself – but being involved in an accident with a negligent driver who informs you he has no insurance, or who flees the scene, not even stopping to check if you are ok, can be a point of not only of frustration, but also of anger to the victims.

On approaching us at The Injury Lawyers, many of these road accident victims display little hope of having a  claim for their injuries; we however are able to offer them some light at the end of the tunnel, and explain how that may not be the case. Claims such as those against uninsured drivers or drivers from whom you were unable to get details, can be run through the Motor Insurers Bureau, or the MIB for short. The MIB was founded in 1949 and is funded by motor insurance companies; they are ultimately funded by us and our premium payments. It has been calculated that between £15 – £30 from everyone’s payments goes to funding the MIB.

The MIB will not only handle your claim for compensation, but also claims for vehicle repairs. The MIB also arrange for you to be medically examined as part of your claim in order that it can be properly valued.
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May 20, 2011

Claiming for Vibration White Finger

Vibration White Finger is an industrial disease which is experienced by many manual workers using vibrating machinery, such as power drills or chain saws, or even sewing machines, as a regular part of their job.
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May 20, 2011

Whiplash – Symptoms, Guidance and Valuations

Whiplash can be an extremely debilitating condition. It can leave you in severe pain, which then can have an impact on your professional life, meaning you have to have time off work, domestic life as you can no longer do the tasks that you would have done before the accident on your own, and your social life, as you no longer go out as you did before the accident. 

The condition may also mean that you can no longer do those hobbies that give you great enjoyment – this can all leave you feeling down, frustrated, and upset. This frustration can be compounded by the fact that your accident was due to the negligence of another – if this is the case, you may be able to do something about it and make a successful claim for personal injury compensation.

The Symptoms
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By Author
May 20, 2011

What can I claim for?

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, and as a result you have been injured, in all likelihood, you will be due compensationThis is not just compensation purely for your injuries.  You are entitled to be compensated for all losses you have suffered that arise directly out of your accident. 

So, for example, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident and have ended up with a broken arm, and had to take time off work, you are entitled to be compensated for any loss of earnings you may have suffered whilst you were away from work.  If you are paid £250.00 a week, but were only able to get statutory sick pay during your time off, then you can make a claim for the difference in earnings.  I have compiled a quick guide as to your potential heads of claim:

Loss of earnings
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By Author
May 09, 2011

Accidents at Work

Having an accident at work can be a traumatic event – especially when it was not your fault.  You may feel that you are entitled to bring a claim for compensation, but you are reluctant as you do not know what the reactions of the more senior colleagues at work would be. Well, this is why we are here to act on your behalf – and it should be borne in mind that employers should have insurance in place to deal with matters such as these.

Employers should also be appreciative that a matter of health and safety has been brought to their attention, giving them the chance to rectify it and so avoiding further accidents in the future.

Employers do have a duty to protect their employees from risks to their health and safety. Employers should take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with strict health and safety standards. So, if you have had an accident at work that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation.
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April 28, 2011

Whiplash Claiming

Whiplash is one of those conditions which can be undermined and overlooked by many. One reason for this may be that it is not so plain to see as a broken bone or a laceration – so many people can discount it. At The Injury Lawyers, we take the exact opposite approach; we know the severe pain it can cause, as well as the devastating effect it can have a person’s professional, social, and domestic life.


The symptoms of whiplash can vary from person to person – they can include:

  • Pain, stiffness and/or tenderness of the neck
  • Swelling of the neck area
  • Headaches
  • Pain radiating to the shoulders or even down the back

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April 28, 2011

Road Traffic Accident Claiming

Road traffic accidents are on the increase in many parts of the UK.  This is no surprise as  many road users out there may have noticed the ever increasing amount of traffic on the roads today. This, coupled with the fact that everyone has busier and busier lives and so seem to be always rushing, means that the roads are clogged with drivers that may not be paying the necessary care and attention on the road.

This increase in road traffic accidents is one of the reasons there has been a new system put in place to deal with road traffic accidents that took place after 30th April 2010. This system makes claiming quicker, simpler, and more stream-lined – this can only be good news to any potential road traffic accident claimant out there.

The new system is set up into a 3 stage process and is completed electronically so correspondence is exchanged instantaneously. The first stage begins with the Claim Notification Form. This is the first item a defendant will receive regarding your claim which sets out the accident circumstances amongst several items of important information. The matter is normally dealt with by the Defendant’s insurance company whom have 15 days to respond to the Claim Notification Form giving a decision as to whether they admit or deny liability. This is in stark contrast to the nearly 4 month period the insurers have under the old system.
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April 22, 2011

Accidents in the Workplace

People may have mixed feelings regarding work. Some dislike work and dread going into the workplace, whereas others relish the idea of work and enjoy it immensely. Whatever your feelings on work, I can hazard a guess that you would never anticipate having an accident there which was not your fault.

Employers have a duty to protect their employees from risks to their health and safety as far as is reasonably possible; they also have to comply with strict health and safety regulations. Therefore, if you have had an accident at work which was not your fault, and you feel that your employer has failed in this important duty of care they have for you, you may have a claim for compensation.

General safety around the workplace
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