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September 29, 2010

Children and Road Traffic Accidents

Look at the roads from a child’s point of view, lots of motor vehicles driving at high speeds and lots of noise. They’re a scary place, and a no place a child would want to play. However, when on their way home from school or playing outside their home – most children are faced with the possibility of crossing a road.

When we talk about children we mean those who are still at primary school. Sometimes at primary school parents do let their children walk home, especially if the school is local and not a far walk. Or even if their parents pick them up they often wonder off in front with friends or lag behind. Whatever the situation it is important that all drivers take into account the possibility of a child running out in from of them.
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September 29, 2010

Asbestos – What you need to know!

Asbestos has been a popular building material since the 1950’s and is a naturally occurring fibrous material. It is used as an insulator that keeps the heat in and cold out. Its strong fibre protection means that it helps prevent corrosion.

If the building you are working on was built before the year 2000 then it is likely that some parts of the building contain asbestos. However, because asbestos is often mixed with another material it is often hard to tell if you’re working with it. Asbestos can be found in many products used in buildings, including ceiling tiles, pipe insulation, boilers and sprayed coatings.
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September 28, 2010

Cyclists Guide

The roads of today understand that cyclists need room too. On the busiest of roads the local councils have created cycle lanes, where cyclists can feel at safety from other vehicles. If you’re a cyclist it’s understandable that you may sometimes feel intimidated by other drivers. Especially when they over take you, or are trying to over take you on smaller roads.

When cycling it is important that you wear the suitable cycling gear, the most important been a safety helmet. You should make sure that the safety helmet you are wearing is of high quality, because if you do become involved in an accident this could be the thing that saves your life. It’s also a good idea to wear knee or shoulder pads, these will also provide high levels of protection if you do become involved in an accident. Wearing high-visibility clothing or having lights fitted to the front and rear of your cycle will help other drivers see you.

Just like motor vehicles, it is important that the tyres on your bike are in good condition. You also need to make sure that your brakes are working in case you need to make a sudden stop. You should regularly get your bike checked over to make sure everything is safe and working correctly.
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September 28, 2010

Brain Injuries

There are two types of brain injuries, an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  The ABI is any type of brain injury that occurs since birth, there are many possible causes such as stroke, infection, haemorrhage and medical accidents. TBI occurs if the head receives a severe blow or jolt, this can be from an accident, fall or assault and causes the brain to be damaged.

Because everyone’s brain is so unique each brain injury is different. It is dependent on a number of factors such as the type of injury, the location and severity.
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September 28, 2010

Homeowner’s Duty Towards Workmen

When we have a problem at home, say our central heating stops working, we phone the correct company to come and fix it. Then, hopefully, the heating is fixed and all is good. However that’s not always the case. Calling someone out to fix something in your home may just be the beginning to a long road of compensation claims.

When we let someone in our home to carry out a job for us, it is us who are paying them to do that job, so therefore we are employing them for the work they are carrying out on our property. This means that under healthy and safety regulations that it is us who are responsible for that persons safety.

So if you are a workman and often carry out work on other people’s houses and you trip over a floor tile or fall off a ladder it is the homeowner who is responsible. This comes after a story in the Daily Mail about a Polish builder who fell off his ladder when repairing a leak in the homeowner’s garage.
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September 24, 2010

Injury Lawyers: Golf Course Accidents

Golf is a game that requires excellent concentration and skill, you need to know where to hit the ball, and how hard to hit it to get it to where you want it to go. When playing golf, even the most talented of players can make mistakes.

With golfers swinging their clubs left, right and centre there is bound to be some sort of accidents. They are hitting the ball in all directions, a near miss shot may result in someone’s car window been put through or a nearby green house. They may even swing the club and accidently hit someone with it, causing them injury.

There is now a new type of insurance cover for golfers; however this is an optional insurance cover. The chances are that not all golfers will be covered by this. If you do become involved in an accident on a golf course you may still be able to claim compensation. For example if you’re a spectator at a golf tour and one of the players misjudges their shot and hits you on the head with a ball then you may be able to make a compensation claim.
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September 23, 2010

Duties Owed by Driving Instructors

When you begin your driving lessons you put your trust in the instructor and the fact that it is them who are responsible for your driving. They will teach you everything you need to know about driving a car, and do it responsibly and with patience.

Some people may be unclear on exactly what duty of supervision and care that a driving instructor owes their pupil.  The duty of a driving instructor to a pupil is the same as that owed by a supervisor to his friend (Ritchie, 2009).

If a learner driver becomes involved in a car accident, whilst under the supervision of a driving instructor it is important to cover the instructor’s role in the accident. The judge would need to look at whether the driver was ready for the driving expected of him. And what the instructor could have done to prevent the accident, and any negligence demonstrated.
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September 23, 2010

Hazards at Work

When we get up in a morning to go to work in the morning the last thing we want to happen during the day is to come to any danger. We all know that the harsh reality of life is that accidents do happen, and no matter what lengths some employers go to, they simply can’t be avoided.

Yesterday there was a story in the Daily Mail about a man who had lost two brothers due to accidents in the workplace. He lost one of his brothers due to asbestos poisoning a few years ago. Asbestos is a disease that some workers can develop in the work place. It can take over twenty years to show it’s symptoms but when it does they can be deadly. He lost his second brother when someone turned an industrial machine on, that he was inside cleaning.

The death of the first brother was unfortunately unavoidable. Asbestos disease is popular amongst work men, or in fact anyone who works with buildings.  Asbestos is a good insulator so was used a lot in houses and buildings that were built in the 1950’s up to the year 2000. So anyone working on a building before the year 2000 is at risk.
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September 23, 2010


All road users should show pedestrians a duty of care when using the road. As a pedestrian you are more vunerable than any other road user. This is why it’s important that if using the roads at night you are walking in a well lit area or are wearing high visibility clothing. This will help other road users to spot you.

If you do become involved in a road traffic accident then you should move to a safe place, where you are no longer at risk from other drivers. If badly injured yourself or the other party involved should call the emergency services to look over your injuries.

After being involved in a road traffic accident you should try to get as much information as possible. You should get the name, address and contact number of the other party involved. Write down the make of the vehicle they were driving and its registration along with their insurance details. Any photos of the scene of the accident would be of help when pursuing your injury compensation claim, or any photos of your injuries.
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serious injury from manual handling
September 23, 2010

Injured on a Zebra Crossing! Who is to blame?

A zebra crossing is a type of pedestrian crossing that allows pedestrians to cross the road safely. Unlike some other crossings they are uncontrolled by traffic lights and can be identified by white staggered lines that run across the road. Although most pedestrians and road users will be aware of this type of crossing, they may not be aware of who has the right of way.
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