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October 13, 2010

Injury Lawyers Compensation Calculator

When we speak to clients some of the most popular questions are how much is my claim worth? And how long will it take to get my claim sorted? The honest answer to both of the above questions is we don’t know, we can give you a rough estimate to both of them but it entirely depends on the type of claim and what evidence we need to make the claim a success.

When gathering evidence to link a client’s injury to an accident it may be that we need to look at their medical records, this means requesting them from the NHS, and may take a few months for them to come through. The length of an average compensation claim varies from case-to-case depending on the co-operation of the other side.
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taxi accident claims
September 20, 2010

Advice on public transport claims!

When you use public transport you expect as a passenger, that you’ll endure a safe journey to your destination. However that’s not always the case!

With autumn slowly creeping in, those winter bus journeys are going to be something we all dread. Getting up an extra hour in the morning, waiting at a bus stop or railway/tube station in wet and cold conditions, it’s not a nice experience…

When using public transport the driver of the bus, tram, train etc owes you, as a customer, a duty of care.
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September 19, 2010

Personal Injury Compensation Claim Advice

When you consider making a personal injury claim it can often be confusing to whether or not you have a valid claim to make. Within the UK there are thousands of pounds of injury compensation left unclaimed. Here at The Injury Lawyers we want to make sure that everyone gets the compensation that they are entitled to. 

If you have suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault then why should you be left to pick up the pieces? We understand that anyone who has been injured due to the negligence of others may need help when getting back on their feet, whether it is loss of earnings, medical costs, or an injury that prevents them to carry on working long-term.
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employee work injury claims
July 20, 2010

Am I negligent for my own work accident?

If you have an accident at work are you responsible or are your employer’s automatically responsible for failing to take “better care of you”?

This is difficult to answer with a definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’… As every case has to be judged on its own merits and there are many aspects which can influence how successful your claim is likely to be.

The first point is to establish whether or not your employer owed you a duty of care in the circumstances. Did your accident happen in your workplace; this may be in an office or out on a site you are contracted to work on? Your van or truck may be your workplace for example? If this is the case and if you had an accident whilst in your workplace then it’s more than likely that your employer owed you a duty of care.
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choosing the correct solicitor
July 14, 2010

Choosing a Solicitor – Be extra careful!

Choosing a solicitor is a big decision; and it’s a decision all claimants should take some time to consider. But there are certain alleys in road accident claims you should avoid – and now, this is even more important!

At the end of April this year, the protocol for road accidents changed. A road accident is submitted and dealt with through an online portal established by the Ministry of Justice that we solicitors and the insurers progress the claims through. Generally, it’s a great new system, as it makes the whole process a lot quicker. But we have found a significant flaw that we hope to be rectified shortly. According to the powers that be for the process, changing your solicitor part way through a claim, currently, cannot be done – So why is this a problem?
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By Author
January 26, 2010

“I’ve been in an accident! How much am I entitled to?”

It’s a very common question we here at The Injury Lawyers hear – and unfortunately it’s one we can’t give you a direct answer to! What we can do is give you the right advice and even a rough guide as to how much you are entitled to, however.

So to start with… how do we as independent expert personal injury solicitors value your claim for compensation? Generally speaking, the worse you suffer and the longer you suffer for are directly proportional to receiving more compensation. The extent of your suffering is the primary factor taken in to account. So how do we find this out…
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By Author
September 11, 2009

Top tips on selecting the best personal injury lawyer for you!

Okay, you’ve had an accident and you’ve been injured, and you’re now in the process of looking to make a personal injury claim for compensation but how do you select the right injury lawyer to deal with your case? To help you, we’ve published a few top tips to help make your decision a little easier!

Injury lawyers experience

Always dig a little deeper and find out how experienced your proposed injury lawyer actually is! Don’t just look at how many years practice he/she have under their belt but see if you can find out about their track record in the court room.
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By Editor
June 29, 2008

What type of compensation can I claim for?

If you have suffered from a personal injury you may wish to consider making a claim for compensation to cover the losses you have suffered as a result of that injury.

The types of injuries you may claim for include any of the following:

  • an injury at work or in a traffic accident
  • a neck injury also know as a whiplash injury
  • an injury received as a result of faulty goods or services
  • an injury sustained by slipping, tripping and falling over

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