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January 03, 2014

The Injury Lawyers 100% Compensation Offer

our clients receive 100% compensationJanuary – always a bit of a tight month after the big spend over Christmas and blowing a load more money in the after-Christmas sales! Add that to the fact most people are on a bit of a comedown after time off work over the festive period with friends and family, and we have a fairly unhappy population!

So here’s something to cheer you up – if you have had an accident and you have been thinking of making a claim, you may already be aware that last year there were loads of changes brought in by the government which have stopped lawyers being able to offer 100% compensation agreements.

But as a belated Christmas prezzie for you, we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement! The law changes have stopped solicitors recovering something called a Success Fee and an After The Event insurance premium from the opponent. We can still recover our other fees so we don’t have to charge you!
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By Author
December 27, 2013

Train Accident Compensation Claims

train accident claimsGiven the stint of adverse weather we’re having, I imagine most people are struggling to actually catch their train given the amount of delays and cancellations I’m hearing about on the radio! But if you’re lucky enough to have caught your train, but unlucky enough to have been involved in an accident, what are your rights for making a claim for personal injury compensation?

Common Cases

Common examples of cases we deal with for claims for injury caused on trains are:
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December 27, 2013

100% Compensation – Merry Christmas from The Injury Lawyers!

100% Satisfaction GuaranteedIt’s been a huge year for changes in the personal injury claiming world as the government have reigned down a torrent of reforms and changes that have, in reality, hit the victims in the pocket. Fixed fees for lawyers, reduced liabilities for Defendants, and whole a new world when it comes to the way a claim is pursued.

But fear not! Because we knew this day was going to come, and we’ve been preparing for it for years. So if you’re feeling a little down because you want to claim but you’re facing losing up to 25% of your payout from other solicitors, we have just the stocking filler for you this Christmas!

We still offer 100% compensation for most compensation claims!

Let’s take a look at the changes and how we have uniquely reacted to them:
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By Author
December 20, 2013

Can you get Compensation for Minor Injuries?

minor injury claimsIn short the answer is “yes, you can claim compensation for minor injuries.”

Unfortunately in law it is never quite so simple. By that I mean that different law firms may have different criteria that need to be met for that law firm to take your case forward. In theory you can claim compensation for very minor injuries, however if your pain and suffering was for a day or a week or for say, less than a month, then the value of your claim may be less than £1,000. This ultimately may mean that a law firm cannot act for you in your case as a law firm may not be able to recover legal fees if the claim is worth less than £1,000. This is the reason why a firm may not take such a case forward. However this does not necessarily mean that you cannot claim; you may have a small claim which you can bring yourself, for example.
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By Editor
December 13, 2013

Hit by Bus Doors – Compensation Claiming Advice

hit by a bus door claimsBus accidents are fairly common, and we represent victims making claims for personal injury compensation from bus companies all the time. I myself have had a successful claim against a bus company for the driver not paying the attention he should have been doing and causing an incident!

One example of a common scenario is people being injured by bus doors. It’s actually a lot more common than you might think. So if this has happened to you, read on for some vital advice about your rights to claim for any injured suffered.
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December 13, 2013

Road Work / Street Work Accident Compensation Claims

roadworks injury claimsAreas being worked on by local authorities or maintenance agencies can always be dangerous. Holes in the ground could be a serious hazard, as well as exposed cables or bits of concrete and / or building materials, being a tripping hazard.

Generally the people doing the work will deploy cordons and cones to prevent people inadvertently accessing those areas and injuries themselves; which brings me on to the most common types of accident claims involving road or street works.
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December 10, 2013

100% Compensation from The Injury Lawyers

get 100% compensation from the injury lawyersAre you looking to make a personal injury claim for a recent accident and are concerned about how much compensation you will lose through advice, service and fees?

First things first, here at The Injury Lawyers, we offer free, no obligation advice right from the start. This means that you can contact us on our freephone telephone number, request a call back, or even use the online chat tool to speak to an advisor.
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By Editor
December 06, 2013

What do I need to do to start a claim for compensation?

start a claim for compensation claimsWhether you’ve slipped on a grape or been involved in a road traffic accident, however minor or serious your accident and loss is, you may be able to claim compensation.

If you think you have gathered all the information you can about your accident to make a claim, then time really is of the essence. The sooner you take action to claim, the less amount of time it leaves the defendant to investigate your accident; therefore giving you a better chance of winning your case and claiming your compensation.
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By Editor
December 06, 2013

What is No Win, No Fee?

what is a no win no fee agreementWhen it comes to personal injury claims, No Win, No Fee seems pretty self-explanatory, but when firms are regularly using the term along with other promises of their services, it can become confusing as to what it really means. Generally speaking, No Win, No Fee means that if your case loses, then you should not be charged for the Solicitors legal fees.

I’ve also heard of the term ‘100% No Win, No Fee’ – What does this mean?

If a firm advertises ‘100% No Win, No Fee’ then its understandable how this can seem confusing as to what it really means. Although the terms separately mean different things, put together, if you win your case, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you get to keep 100% of your compensation. It may be used as a bit of a misleading tag like to suggest that you keep 100% of your payout which most lawyers won’t let you do because of recent law changes.
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By Editor
December 05, 2013

Severe Weather Accident Compensation Claims – Injury Lawyers Advice

bad weather accident claimsI was out in town earlier and even I was almost blown over by the significant power of the winds today. The UK is being hit by a huge weather front that is causing chaos for everyone as winds of up to (I’m told!) 100mph are damaging property and making a mess of the roads. My drive to work this afternoon was somewhat of a slalom exercise as I dodged branches and bits of trees that had come down in the winds.

It’s not uncommon that accidents can easily occur in times of adverse weather. Road accidents can be caused by drivers either going too fast or not keeping a full hold of their steering wheel as winds are powerful enough to jink your car whilst you’re driving. A driver could easily end up losing control of their vehicle as a result. On top of that, people are dodging debris in the road which is potentially putting other road users at risk as well.
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