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November 15, 2011

Passenger Claim Injury

At The Injury Lawyers, the most common type of claim we deal with is that arising from injuries from a road traffic accident.  With a new procedure which came into place after April 2010 that streamlined the claims process, obtaining compensation got a whole lot more efficient and faster. 

Before, a road accident claim could take a fair few months or even a couple of years under the previous system; now you could receive payment confirmation within a couple of weeks and have your claim settled in less than a couple of months.  Anyone put off claiming for compensation for their injuries out of a car crash should not do so if this is on the basis that the matter is likely to drag on – it is in fact unlikely it will drag on!

In the most part, people also seem to think that it is only the driver of the motor vehicle that can be compensated.  For instance, if someone goes into the back of the driver’s motor vehicle, the driver in the vast majority of circumstances can obtain compensation.  That said, if it was the driver who caused the accident, then the driver cannot be compensated for their injuries as these injuries are not due to someone else’s negligence.  But what if you are an innocent passenger?
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road traffic accident claims
November 11, 2011

Claims against uninsured or untraced drivers

If you are injured as the result of a road traffic accident, you will usually be entitled to claim compensation from the insurance company that provided cover for the other vehicle.

Even though it is a legal requirement for all vehicles used on the roads in the United Kingdom to be insured, it’s estimated that there are over a million uninsured drivers in the U.K.

What happens if you are injured as the result of an accident caused by an uninsured driver?
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November 11, 2011

Sporting Injury Claims

The law provides people who have been injured as the result of someone else’s negligence – a way of getting the compensation they are entitled to for their pain and suffering.  Accidents can happen in all sorts of circumstances, and the type of claim can affect the way that your claim is dealt with, and the rules governing when compensation will and won’t be paid.

If you take part in a sporting activity you willingly accept that there are some risks involved. Depending on the type of sport, there is usually always some risk that cannot be prevented, and you cannot claim compensation for these injuries. For example, someone playing rugby could not claim compensation for an injury that was could normally be expected because it is part of the game.

However, in many cases, it is possible to claim compensation if you have been injured whilst taking part in a sporting activity where the injury was caused because of someone else’s negligence, and the risk was not part of the risk you would normally expect when taking part in that particular activity.
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November 11, 2011

Compensation Claims Lawyers

Although claiming for compensation is actually quite straightforward, especially when you have a quality injury lawyer on your side who is willing to fight tooth and nail for the maximum compensation you deserve, there are several stages that you may be interested to know a little more about the whole process.  Here is a quick guide:

Stage 1: Letter of Claim

This is typically the first piece of correspondence you have with the other side.  It outlines your accident, your injuries and explains why we, your injury lawyers, believe that the Defendant has been negligent and should provide you with compensation for your injuries.  Once sent to the Defendant, the Defendant has 21 days to acknowledge the Letter of Claim and begin their investigations.
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November 09, 2011

Quick Car Claims

Have you been injured in a road traffic accident?  Are you anxious about making a claim because you don’t want the potential hassle of the prolonged length of time it takes to get the compensation you deserve?  Well fear no more –  Making a road traffic accident personal injury claim is now much easier and quicker than ever before under the new Road Traffic Accident Protocol.

Road traffic accident claims are now sent via an electronic communication portal which provides a secure electronic exchange of all claim information between us and the insurers for the other side.  By using this electronic communication portal you can have a quicker claim, and a potentially better service with some lawyers.

Since 30th April 2010 the process for road traffic accident claims has been streamlined in order to process claims more efficiently and effectively.  The new Road Traffic Accident Protocol has 3 different stages.
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November 08, 2011

Lifting Injuries at Work

I’m only in my mid-twenties, yet I have started making that struggling groaning sound whenever I bend my back or get up from a seat! It’s probably more to do with the whiplash injury I’ve been suffering with over summer; but it does make you wonder!

Anyway; our backs are one of the most important areas of our body. At the end of the day, the job of your back is to pretty much carry the rest of you! My understanding is that backache is relatively common, and injuring your back is unfortunately very easy to do. That’s why we must take care when using our backs to ensure we don’t do any damage to them.

In a workplace scenario, there are specific rules and regulations that your employer must abide by to ensure you do not injure your back at work!
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October 28, 2011

Cyclist Accident Claims

A large number of personal injury claims are caused by slips and trips by pedestrians because of defects or hazards on the footpaths, and road traffic accidents involving collisions between various road users.

However, over the last few years as people try to keep fit, save money, or help the environment, there have been an increasing number of cyclists on the roads. Although the government has introduced various measures, such as cycling lanes, to make using a bicycle safer and more convenient, it is unfortunate that the roads remain a dangerous place for cyclists.

The two most common types of accidents that result in personal injury to cyclists are the result of being hit by a vehicle whilst on the road, or because of a defect in the road or pavement surface.
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October 28, 2011

5 Things You NEED to Know about Making a Claim!

The wonderful World Wide Web is an absolute wealth of useful information. I honestly don’t know how I’d live without it!

There are literally hundreds – if not, thousands – of websites, blogs, news articles, and resources that give you information about making a claim for compensation, and what you should do. So, to help you out, here is a concise guide containing the 5 essential things you need to know about making a claim for compensation. Hopefully this should answer all of your queries!

1. You’ve had an accident, what should you do!?
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By Author
October 28, 2011

Dan Wheldon Dies in Las Vegas IndyCar Race.

With the recent death of the IndyCar race driver Dan Wheldon, the issue is once again raised regarding the risks associated with professional sports.

We are all aware of the associated risks in sports, and IndyCar racing is no exception. The fact that we are aware of the risks is detrimental factor when claiming for personal injury arising from a sporting activity. It can be often quite difficult to make a claim, as there are always inherent risks involved in sporting activities.

When dealing with a personal injury case arising form a road traffic accident or an accident at work, the law requires you to prove a duty to take reasonable care was breached and has subsequently caused an injury. In sporting activities, a high standard of breach of duty is required given the inherent risks involved, and there is requirement to show that the Defendant’s conduct was ‘Reckless disregard’. This term has a arisen from the famous case of Wooldridge and Summer [1963] 2 QB 43, of which the meaning can be elaborated form the words of Lord Justice Sellers
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October 26, 2011

Claiming Compensation after an Accident

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation, which is designed to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred. 

For example, if a faulty piece of work equipment caused you to sustain injury, you could be compensated for that injury or if you have had a trip and fall in the high street because of piece of defective paving you could be compensated for any associated injury.  For most people, compensation claiming is not something they have done before, and therefore it is natural to wonder when people want to know how to go about this.  Here is a quick guide:

The first thing you should think about is instructing a quality injury lawyer on your behalf.  Aim for an injury lawyer who will not charge you for their work, will get you the maximum compensation you deserve in the shortest time possible, and who is an expert in the field of personal injury claims owing to their numerous years of experience in dealing with these sorts of claims.  With the right injury lawyer on your side, you will be well on your way to obtaining the compensation you deserve, and will be in experts hands – better still, in most cases, your injury lawyer will do most of the work for you.
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