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March 31, 2011

Road Accident Claims

It is an unfortunate statistic that road traffic accidents are on the increase. This is one of the reasons, why for road traffic accidents that happened after 30th April 2010 and are worth between a certain range of values, a new system has been put in place making the system more stream-lined, simpler, and quicker. The system sets out that within 15 business days of the other side receiving the circumstances of your claim in a document known as a Claim Notification Form, you should have an answer regarding liability – i.e. whether they admit or deny fault. This means that the angst and frustration of not knowing what is going on with your claim is taken away.  At The Injury Lawyers we have a policy of updating our clients every 2 weeks – this means that you always stay in the loop, so to speak.

Injuries and Treatment

Many clients that come to us after a road accident are suffering with whiplash. This can be a painful and frustrating condition which many people can overlook as it is not so clear to see as a broken bone or a laceration. At The Injury Lawyers we always treat whiplash with the seriousness it deserves as we know what a destructive effect it can have on people’s lives.  When a client approaches The Injury Lawyers we can usually arrange for treatment for injuries such as whiplash right from the start – this treatment may include physiotherapy, chiropractic, or osteopathic treatment; the cost of which is either payable by the other side upon succeeding with your claim, or by insurance if you lose. This means that you would not have to wait on an NHS waiting list whilst suffering with the pain and inconvenience of the whiplash.
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March 30, 2011

Product Liability Claiming

Product liability may seem like legal jargon and too complex a term to bother to understand. It is however quite simple in its meaning – it simply means a product which through no fault of your own has caused you harm.

Product liability claiming can be fairly complex as there is often a point of confusion as to whether the retailer and/or the manufacturer is at fault. If it is the manufacturer they can sometimes be difficult to locate – that is why it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer with experience in this area to advise you.

Faulty Products:
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March 30, 2011

Claiming for Compensation – Guide

I can hear many of you out there when you see personal injury advertisements on the televisions saying – ‘claiming for compensation is easier said than done’. Well, if you end up making a bad decision and instructing the wrong law firm where you have to always chase them for information or for things to be done, then that may be the case.

However, if you chose the right solicitor you may get an all together different experience. At The Injury Lawyers we like to give our clients the most hassle free experience we possibly can – we feel that you have already been through the trauma of an accident, so you shouldn’t have any further unnecessary hassle or bother. Much of the hassle and frustration can stem from not knowing what is going on with your claim and feeling out of control. Well at The Injury Lawyers we update our clients every 2 weeks whether something has happened on the claim or not – this keeps you in the know and so reduces any worry or uncertainty.

When you first approach a law firm with a claim, a solicitor will ask you the accident circumstances in order to assess whether there is a claim and it has good prospects of succeeding – we do not want to waste your time or give you false hope on a claim which will not succeed. If the claim is then taken on and you agree to instruct the solicitor, a Letter of Claim will be produced – this is the first document the other side will receive regarding your claim. The letter will set out the circumstances of your claim as well as request any documents we need in order to assess the case.
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March 29, 2011

Third Party Capture

Where you have been involved in an accident and sustained a personal injury through no fault of your own it is likely that you will be entitled to compensation.  This is because you will have been put out and should be placed back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred. 

It is not uncommon following an accident that the other side’s insurers may contact you to offer you this compensation.  In fact, the thought of receiving compensation so soon after your accident will no doubt seem particularly appealing to most. 

But just stop and think for a second – if you ever receive an offer of compensation from the other side’s insurers, ask yourself: why they are offering you compensation?  Are they really doing it out of the kindness of their hearts? Or maybe they are doing it because they feel they owe you some kind of duty? Or actually is it because they know you have a legitimate claim for compensation and know that if they can get you to agree to their compensation package without you seeking proper legal advice, they will be able to settle your claim for much less than it’s true value and actually save themselves a whole heap of money.  If you agree to their compensation, that is it! You can no longer go back and ask for more – it is a final settlement.
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March 29, 2011

Bus Accident Claims

When we think about compensation and road traffic accidents, I can hazard I guess that car accidents will be the first thing that comes to mind. Of course, many of the accidents on the roads do involve both parties being cars; but there are also many other accidents on the road which may also entitle the victim to compensation.

The title of this blog being bus accidents means you can probably guess what type of accidents I will be discussing – YES,  its bus accidents.

If you have been involved in a road accident whilst on a bus which has caused you injury as a result, you have a high chance of having a claim for personal injury. This is because if the accident was due to the fault of the bus driver you may have a claim against the bus company who are vicariously liable for the driver’s actions. This means that the bus company can take responsibility for his actions. If on the other hand the cause of the accident was another road user, then you may have a claim for personal injury against them. In summary, in either scenario you may have a claim.
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March 29, 2011

Road Traffic Accidents

Driving can be extremely hazardous at times, but we would hope for the most part that it is not. In order to avoid being involved in road traffic accidents we not only have to drive well and with the due care and attention ourselves, but we also have to put our trust in other road users around us and that they are doing the same.

On the most part this trust is well founded and we remain safe whilst using the roads; however, there are occasions when other road users put our safety in jeopardy. At The Injury Lawyers we see this time and again – with clients approaching us after being involved in what could have been a serious road traffic accident situation. Also, just listening to items on the radio such as traffic news updates recalling numerous accidents that have taken place on the road that day, also serves to make us aware of the dangers of the road.

Road traffic accidents most commonly happen at the meeting places of traffic.  Like I mentioned before – radio stations often report hold ups at motorway junctions or cross-roads due to accidents having taken place at these locations.
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March 25, 2011

Claiming for an Accident on a Night Out

Many of us, using that old phrase –  ‘live for the weekend’. This meaning we look forward to the end of the working week when we can relax, have a lie in and go out socialising with our friends or loved ones. Nights out at these times can range from going dancing in a night club, going for a drink in the local pub, or going to a trendy wine/cocktail bar. Whatever your idea of a good night out, I can hazard a guess that you would not anticipate having an accident in an evening out venue that was not your fault.

Many potential clients that approach The Injury Lawyers with these types of claims are concerned that their consumption of alcohol may have an effect on their claim. This may have an effect, but it does not necessarily mean you cannot claim. At The injury Lawyers we give free claim assessments so whether we take the claim or not – you do not have to pay a thing for our legal advice. If we are unable to take on the claim we can usually suggest other avenues which you could explore.

Venues such as clubs, pubs and bars have a duty to protect their customers like anywhere else. They must abide by strict health and safety regulations and make sure their staff are trained to uphold the safety of the premises. These measures may include completing regular checks of the floors to ensure they are free of spillages which may cause a slip hazard, or ensure the floors are free of articles such as broken glass which may cause lacerations to your feet. Venues normally have a maximum capacity of people it may safely hold, so if an accident has been caused which was due to a venue being over capacity, this may be a potential claim.
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March 25, 2011

Accidents on Highways – The Peril of the Pothole

I think now that we coming into Spring it is a good time to assess what damage a harsh winter has had on our highways. I know when I drive I like to at least attempt to avoid driving over potholes and thus elongate the life of my tires as much as possible. However there is not just the issue of what damage a poorly maintained road can do to your car; there is the issue of public safety.

Many clients come to us after having had an accident on the road that is due to a pothole. The most vulnerable road users are those who ride bicycles or drive motorbikes or mopeds. These types of vehicles can more easily be knocked off course causing it to collide with another vehicle or simply knocking it off course and causing it to crash off of the road. This being said, there are also many claims we have here at The Injury Lawyers where potholes have caused cars to crash.

If you have been in a road traffic accident that was caused by any type of fault with the highway, pothole or otherwise, then you may have a claim for compensation. If you do have a road traffic accident it may be important to report it to the Police. Police reports can be used as evidence in any later personal injury claim you may have. You should seek medical attention for your injuries – this not only allows your injuries to be assisted with, but also allows the medical professional to make a record in your medical notes.
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March 24, 2011

Slipping Claims

Slipping up can be the butt of many a joke; this could be due to the many a used comedy scene whereby a person may slip on an item such as a banana skin. This being said however, slipping and falling in reality is no laughing matter. At The Injury Lawyers we have seen many a serious injury caused through what may at first seem to be a minor slip.

Slipping can cause injuries such as soft tissue damage, lacerations, head injuries and even broken bones. A hit to the head caused by a slip can even cause someone to be knocked unconscious and later cause concussion.

Slipping hazards can be anywhere. It may be that you are/ have been on a night out, maybe dancing in a night club, and slipped on a spillage negligently left uncleaned on the floor. It may be that you are completing your weekly shop and have slipped on a spillage in an aisle which has been left un-cleaned, not sectioned off, and unattended. Many of our clients have slipped on floors either at work or even in restaurants whereby the floors have been cleaned and a wet floor sign has not been placed at the area warning people of the hazard. All of the above could potentially make for a claim for compensation.
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March 24, 2011

No Win, No Fee Explained

At first glance you may think you know what no win no fee means. But when it comes down to a situation when you have had an accident and it was not your fault, and you really think about the term, there may be a few questions which you may have.

Many of our clients upon approaching The Injury Lawyers with a potential claim ask questions such as:

How do you get paid if I win my case?

How do you get paid if I lose my case?
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