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October 05, 2011

Compensation Calculator – Third Party Capture

You may have probably stumbled upon this article because you simply want to know how much your claim could be worth.  You may just be curious as you have now instructed your lawyers to deal with your claim, and you are pondering what your payout could be.

Or – you could be trying to gauge how much the insures of the driver at fault in the accident you were in is going to pay you directly.

Well, if you are dealing with the insurers directly – I have some VERY grave news for you.
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choosing the correct solicitor
October 04, 2011

The Injury Lawyers – 100% REAL Injury Lawyers

There are so many websites out there to browse through when it comes to deciding who you want to represent you for your claim for compensation.

The bad news is that a load of them are NOT actually lawyers; they are just Claims Management Companies and Accident Advice Services that often like to appear as if they’re lawyers to draw you in.
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September 30, 2011

Efficient Car Accident Claims

Some people who are entitled to compensation for injuries that they have sustained in road traffic accidents caused by the negligence of third party drivers choose not to make a claim for compensation because they are of the view that the process is time consuming and ultimately not worth it. 

At the end of the day, it is up to you whether you want to make a claim for compensation – no-one can force you into this – but the reality of claiming for compensation in what are considered as straightforward road traffic accidents, for instance where someone drives into the back of you, is actually equally straightforward and takes little time at all.

At the end of April 2010 a new protocol was introduced which streamlined the claims process for low value road traffic accidents.  Under previous rules it could take up to 4 months for the Defendant to admit or deny liability, and then several months thereafter to settle your claim.  This was far too long; under the new protocol the Defendant has 15 business days after they are made aware of your claim to come back with their decision on liability.  This is a vast, vast improvement from 4 months.  So if people tell you that the claims process is a big hassle, all I can say is that it has improved significantly – and with the right injury lawyer on your side you won’t have to lift a finger.
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September 20, 2011

Compensation Valuations

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, whether it be a road traffic accident, slip and trip, or an accident at work ( to name but a few), you can work out how much compensation you may be awarded for your injuries by using the compensation calculator.

The independent ‘Injury Lawyers’ calculator is there for you to use free of charge.  Key in the details of your injury and let the calculator work out a rough guideline amount of compensation for you.  The calculator is purely for working out compensation for your injuries based on the JSB (Judicial Studies Board) Guidelines, which are referred to as General Damages

In addition to this you may be entitled to further compensation for any losses that you have incurred as a result of the accident; Time taken off work, any future time off work, and damage to material goods that will require replacing.  These losses are referred to as Special Damages and will be in addition to the compensation calculated by the compensation calculator.
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September 14, 2011

Faulty and Defective Products

If you are injured or experience ill health because of a faulty or defective product, you may be entitled to claim for compensation.

The Consumer Protection Act 1987 (CPA) provides important safeguards to protect consumers from defective products. It makes it easier for a person to claim compensation if they are injured because of a fault in a product.

Nearly everything we buy could be a product that is covered by the CPA.  The CPA recognises that, if not manufactured or sold properly, any product could potentially be harmful to a person’s health. Product liability covers a wide range of products including everyday items such as food, cosmetics or clothes, through to one off items such as electrical goods and children’s toys.
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September 13, 2011

Fast Compensation Claiming

At The Injury Lawyers, we strive to get our clients the maximum compensation they deserve in the shortest time possible.  We are able to do this because we are experts in our field and have the knowledge and professionalism to know how to progress your claim in the best possible way.  That said, our clients can go a long way in helping us get their compensation in the fastest time possible as well.

In most personal injury claims, excluding those which arise from relatively straightforward road accidents, a Letter of Claim will be produced and sent to the opponent.  This is in most cases is the first bit of correspondence between your legal representatives and the Defendant, and outlines the details of your accident, the injuries you suffered as a result of the Defendant’s negligence, and why we consider the Defendant was indeed negligent.  It is therefore key that the Letter of Claim is thorough and that it provides as much detail as it possibly can.  This way the Defendant should be able to get on with their investigations sooner and come back with an admission of liability.

So how can you help make the Letter of Claim as clear as possible?
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By Author
September 05, 2011

Asbestos claims – Know the facts!

Asbestos is a group of long fibre minerals that were used in many buildings in the 20th century. It is often used in ceiling tiles and was even used in brake pads. It has been illegal to use in the UK since 1999 and is now illegal in EU member states. However, it still exists in many buildings throughout the UK, so care needs to be taken; particularly for builders working in buildings with asbestos.

When the asbestos is undamaged it apparently poses no risk to your health. However, even the slightest damage, such as a chip, can cause it to start releasing dust particles. These dust fibres can then be breathed in by everyone in the building. It is this dust that carries many health risks as it works its way into your lungs and causes potentially serious damage.
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By Editor
September 02, 2011

Personal Injury Claims Advice

Personal Injury Claim AdviceIf you have been injured through no fault of your own, but through the negligence of a third party, it may be that you wish to be compensated for your injuries and suffering.  In most caes, although you are aware that you could be entitled to compensation, you are not exactly sure as to how you go about getting this compensation payout.  This blog offers a quick guide as to how to go about making a claim for compensation, and the process thereafter.

The first thing you should do is seek medical attention for your injuries.  You have to look out for number one and make sure that you’re properly advised by a GP or qualified expert.  At the end of the day, this will put you back on the road to recovery and ultimately lessen your pain and suffering.  However, once you have seen your medical expert, you should look in to instructing an injury lawyer to pursue your potential claim for compensation.
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August 31, 2011

Uninsured And Untraced Driver Claims

mib uninsured driver claimsIt’s estimated that there are between 1.5 million and 2 million uninsured drivers on the roads in the UK. What happens if one of these drivers causes or contributes to an accident?

The ‘Motor Insurance Bureau‘ (MIB) exists to prevent the injustice of an injured party being unable to claim compensation if they’re the victim of an uninsured drivers negligence.  The MIB steps in where the driver responsible for the accident has no valid insurance policy to cover the cost of the accident.  The role of the MIB is almost to act as the insurance company for the uninsured driver.

The cost of running the MIB is paid out of a central fund from contributions from all the insurance companies that provide motor vehicle insurance in the UK.
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August 31, 2011

Making a Claim for Personal Injury

making a personal injury claimIf you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you may be wondering what you should do and whether you have a claim for compensation for the injuries you are suffering with, and the potential losses you have incurred.

I’m here to hopefully shed a little light for you and remove the veil of confusion that you may be lost behind!

Do You Have a Claim for Compensation?

If you have been injured in an accident, or if you have been injured through some long term activity at your employment, and the injuries were not only caused by the fault of someone else / a company, but they could have prevented it from happening, then you have the first solid ingredients to be able to make a successful claim for compensation.
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