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nhs care in crisis
April 12, 2018

NHS crisis worsens as patient care reportedly deteriorates…

The NHS crisis worsens, according to the latest information from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), which is a huge worry for increasing medical negligence claims. It’s thought that more than two-thirds of staff believe patient safety has declined over the past year since the last time key questions about the state of the NHS were asked.

Around 1,500 NHS employees were asked the same questions they’d been questioned about last year on the conditions they’re working in and the quality of care available, and some 80% are reportedly worried about the ability to keep patients safe, with 84% citing demoralised staff as a result of increased pressure on the NHS.
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medical negligence
February 22, 2018

Why should victims of medical negligence settle for an apology?

We were recently made aware that some chiefs in the NHS believe that medical negligence victims should settle for an apology and nothing more. There was also a suggestion that many would.

It all comes down to cutting the legal costs that the NHS is facing; but denying a victim’s rights to fair and reflective justice is not the way forward for this. Many of these headlines burst from the press pages and they often paint the lawyers in the worst kind of light.

Here are some reasons as to why this theory of just saying sorry to a victim of medical negligence is fundamentally flawed.
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surgeon claims
September 07, 2017

Ian Paterson’s sentence increased from 15 to 20 years

Notorious breast surgeon, Ian Paterson, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in May 2017 for carrying out unnecessary and unapproved surgery on a number of patients. However, the Nottingham Court of Appeal found that his current sentence was “not sufficient” and have consequently increased his sentence from 15 years to 20 years.

The news has been welcomed by victims, many of whom have claimed or are claiming compensation as a result of his actions.

The prosecution in the case demonstrated the clear evidence of medical experts that confirmed that the work he carried out for some patients was totally unnecessary, and for others he had intentionally failed to follow protocol as part of what appeared to be some form of “experimental surgery” he was conducting.
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By Editor
medical negligence
August 10, 2017

Demand for public inquiry over use of “dangerous” vaginal mesh implants

Senior medical experts are demanding a public enquiry be opened to investigate the use of vaginal mesh implants in the U.K.

The Guardian reports that a “significant proportion of patients have been left with traumatic complications”. We ourselves are involved in the legal actions for the use of vaginal mesh implants where things have gone wrong, so we’re no stranger to the issues at hand.

However, as problems continue to arise, the calls for more investigation and more action continue to grow.
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surgeon claims
May 26, 2017

Hundreds of patients coming forward after rogue surgeon convicted of wounding with intent

The Injury Lawyers are investigating the issues surrounding Paterson’s convictions, and any victims who need our expert legal advice are welcome to approach us for help

Former renowned breast surgeon Ian Paterson was stripped of his title after he reportedly performed botched surgeries on potentially thousands of patients.

Following on from almost 10 years of investigations into his misconduct, Paterson was convicted late last month of causing harm with intent in numerous cases. Paterson was found to have performed unnecessary surgery and increased risks of cancer in some cases, and hundreds of patients are now coming forward to seek legal advice.
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By Editor
November 07, 2016

Claims for falls in Hospital

Depending on a patient’s age, or any medical condition they may have, hospitals have a duty to ensure that risk assessments are carried out to properly care for the vulnerable, and those who are at risk of falling over.

A fall for a vulnerable patient can have serious consequences depending on their age and medical condition. In fact, they can ultimately lead to deaths…

Hospitals should have steps in place to ensure that the risk of a fall is minimal, and that they have done everything they can to ensure this. If they fail to do this, they can be rightly liable for a personal injury claim.
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By Editor
August 10, 2016

Orthopaedic medical negligence compensation claims

Orthopaedics is commonly the treatment of bones, joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. These are all elements that make up the musculoskeletal system.

Musculoskeletal injuries can affect anyone of any age, and can include:

  • Spinal injuries
  • Hip replacements
  • Fractures
  • Knee replacements
  • Infections and bone tumours
  • Conditions from birth

All treatment and operations carry risk, and while most treatments are successful, mistakes can be made due to human error which can have a detrimental effect on a person’s life by causing ongoing suffering.
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By Editor
June 01, 2016

X-Rays and Scans (MRI Scans, CT Scans, etc) Compensation Claims

Scans: one of the fastest way of obtaining a diagnosis without having to cut people open all the time to find out what’s going on!

As technology has moved forward we now have the benefit of x-rays and scans that can tell us whether we’ve broken bones, suffered ligament damage, or whether we’re suffering from life changing diseases like cancer.

But what happens when things don’t go the way they should? What happens if a scan is misread, or a scan is not performed in time? What if a patient is not referred for the proper treatment following a scan?

The results can be devastating, and that’s when we may need to help you.
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medical negligence
May 16, 2016

Statins computer glitch: thousands at risk of prescription errors

A computer glitch in a system used to calculate the risks of cardiovascular diseases has resulted in thousands of GP practices across the UK issuing incorrect advice over the use of cholesterol-lowering medication, statins.

The bug in the QRISK2 system that calculates risks using factors such as blood pressure, weight, health problems, and family medical history, helps GP’s advise patients for prescriptions. It has been discovered that results produced as far back as 2009 may have been overstated or understated, meaning patients needing the medication may have been advised not to take it, and patients not needing it may be using it.
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medical negligence
March 15, 2016

Medical Negligence Compensation for something that happened a long time ago?

When you hear the adverts asking if you have had an accident in the last three years, there is a very specific reason for it… The law in England and Wales generally means that you have to bring a claim within three years of an accident happening. It is different for medical negligence compensation claims, and there are a lot of other factors to consider, but for medical negligence compensation it is typically three years from the date of an event.

So, what happens if you only find out that you have been the victim of negligence many years after an event?
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