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April 08, 2013

Cosmetic Surgery No Win No Fee Claims

cosmetic surgery claimsWhen you go under the knife to have cosmetic surgery your surgeon or his/her team should fully explain all of the risks with the procedure. You will no doubt be aware that every operation carries all kinds of inherent risks. There are general risks of pain, chronic pain, scarring, infection etc that are fairly common in most procedures. Even the general risks, which apply to probably all operations can develop and lead to significant injuries and even death. Unfortunately all operations, however minor, carry an element of risk. You do have the right to be notified of the risks in full and the likelihood of the risk actually occurring. Even with cosmetic surgery, you may be entitled to make a claim should things go wrong. This is a specialised area of law and it is therefore essential that you speak to a legal specialist that deals in this kind of work.

Many of these types of claims are often to do with botox or beauty treatment. However claims could be made in respect of any cosmetic surgery should things go wrong; despite the fact the procedure is cosmetic. If you are not happy with the cosmetic surgery or you have been left in undue pain or you have been left with injuries, or if you were not correctly advised about any potential risks / side effects, you may have a genuine claim for compensation.
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April 08, 2013

Nursing Care Claim Lawyers

nursing care injury claimsIn recent years, the number of horror stories about the quality of nursing home and nursing care workers has been explosive. I’ve seen loads of TV programs and read loads of articles about nursing care staff who just don’t seem to care at all about the patients, and even staff stealing and mistreating those in need of the care.

It’s a scary thought – especially for anyone with friends or relatives in a care home.

As a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we deal with all sorts of different claims for compensation. We represent victims for compensation against the NHS or private care homes if the care provided is inadequate or negligent. Common examples are failing to properly care for people, such as neglecting basic food, water, and sanitation needs, which can cause a range of health complications to already vulnerable people. Another example could be failing to properly medicate residents, which could lead to existing health problems getting worse.
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April 05, 2013

Dental Surgery Compensation Claims

dental surgery compensation claimsIs there anyone on this Earth that enjoys going to the dentist? Really there isn’t anything enjoyable about it, and I get that people hate seeing medical professionals as we are worried about what they’re going to do to us; but going to the dentist is particularly one of those things that people tend to be frightened of. The sound of the drills as you walk through the halls and the waiting rooms…

As specialist injury lawyers we deal with all varieties of personal injury claims. We represent victims for dental surgery negligence, so here’s a little advice about compensation claims for dental negligence.

Firstly, to make a claim, we have to prove that the dentist has provided you with poor or incorrect treatment or an inadequate level of care. This is not always easy to do, as there are a lot of complications surrounding treatment provided by dentists that are not so easy to avoid. Infections are very common, and they are generally accepted as an inherent risk of a dental procedure. If you get an infection after a procedure, it isn’t very easy to make a successful claim given they are often an inherent risk.
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April 05, 2013

Medication Error Claims

medication error claimsWe place our trust in the medical professionals we seek help from to do their best to keep us well. Nowadays there are thousands of conditions and problems that are treated by medication; from the simple drugs like paracetamol to the all important chemotherapy for cancer victims. But what happens when the medication we are given goes wrong? What happens if there is an error made?

Commonly the scenarios are the following:

  • You are prescribed the incorrect medication for the problem by a doctor.
  • You are given the wrong medication by the pharmacist.
  • You were not warned of potential side effects, or not enough investigation was done in to conditions you have or other factors personal to you that could cause an adverse affect (e.g. certain medication could harm during pregnancy).

A medical professional has a duty to properly investigate your symptoms to make sure you are prescribed the right medication. If you are given medication which exacerbates the problem or does not help the problem, you may have a claim if you can prove that the judgment made by the professional was below standard. If other professionals could confirm that they would have treated you in a different way, and that the judgment made by the original professional was poor, there may be a case to answer for. We can normally establish this with expert reports from consultants we instruct as part of your personal injury claim.
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April 03, 2013

Accident & Emergency Compensation Claims

a&e claimsI’m pretty certain that there is no one on this Earth that relishes the thought of going to A+E. I’ve been a few of times, and it’s the same old story – they’re rushed off their feet, it takes hours just to be seen by a nurse, let alone a doctor, and they’ll probably going to discharge you and tell you that you’ll be absolutely fine and its nothing to worry about. Four days later you’re lying on an operating table because that “minor muscular injury” they convinced you that you’d be recovered in no time from is a complex fracture!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not having a go at NHS staff – I think we can all appreciate that the NHS is stretched so very thin, and the nursing staff and emergency care teams are, I imagine, fighting one heck of an uphill battle! It isn’t their fault that things are so bad in the economy that we’re all suffering at the mercy of an underfunded public health system. But irrelevant of whether you’re blaming our dear government or the powers that be in the NHS, one thing remains; standards of care cannot fall below what is expected.
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April 03, 2013

GP Negligence Claims

medical negligence claimsAs Britons, we love to panic sometimes don’t we? We’re the type of society that rushes to our GP when we are feeling a little tense or under the weather. My understanding is that the NHS is encouraging people to make use of help lines and walk in centres. And let’s not even start on getting an appointment with your GP – if you’re lucky enough to get one before a full lunar cycle, you have a very well organised (or quiet) General Practitioner.

With the NHS in general being thin on the ground, it is a real concern that the standard of care that we would expect from our GP can fall. We get a lot of enquires for cases of misdiagnosis from GP’s or being prescribed the incorrect medication. Although we have had claims where it isn’t the GP who has provided the incorrect medication, it’s the pharmacist. Scary stuff… I recall I once went to my GP about a clicking in my back. I was asked to “Google back stretching exercises”. I was pretty angry to be honest.
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April 03, 2013

Facelifts Compensation Claim Lawyers

facelifts compensation claimsCosmetic surgery is extremely common these days and not just with the rich and the famous. Many people now turn to the surgeons to achieve the body and face of their dreams. Unfortunately, the outcome can be far from the desired one with cosmetic surgery carrying with it so many inherent risks!

To start I shall briefly explain the regulation in place when it comes to these types of claims. Private clinics offering surgical treatments such as facelifts under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 must be registered with the Care Quality Commission. This ensures that the clinics offering these invasive procedures meet a set of essential requirements of safety and quality. One of the main comforts for Clients is that the Care Quality Commission inspects clinics at least once a year and have the powers to impose fines and simply shut clinics down for non-compliance!

Furthermore, surgical procedures are regulated activities and therefore ensure that only appropriately licensed medical professionals may carry out such procedures and if they are found to be unqualified they are liable for prosecution.
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February 08, 2012

Pre-Med Compensation Offers – Lawyers Advice

Nowadays receiving a ‘pre-med’ offer in respect of compensation for your injuries is common.  What I mean by a ‘pre-med’ offer is a pre-medical offer – i.e. an offer made to you by the Defendant without medical evidence having been sought

The normal procedure in the claims process is to obtain medical evidence after the Defendant has admitted liability.  Medical evidence is important because it allows your injuries to be properly diagnosed and detailed so you can find out how long a medical expert believes you will be suffering for. The general rule is that the more severe and long lasting your injury is, the more it is worth. Naturally, having a medical report allows your claim to be properly valued by confirming this.
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April 06, 2011

Serious Injury Solicitors

We are The Injury Lawyers – an independent firm of specialist personal injury solicitors. We’re an actual law firm – we are not middlemen and we are not just a claims company that will sell your information on to a lawyer/solicitor; when you call us, it will be us that will deal with your claim.

Although we specialise in literally all areas of injury law (it’s all we do!), we are in fact specialist serious injury solicitors as well. Our Principal Solicitor has been specialising in serious injury claims for a number of years now, and his experience breeds throughout our entire practice – making us a firm choice for successful serious injury claims. We have, and have had, many serious injury claims (ranging from tens of thousands to millions of pounds), and we always get the best outcome.
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November 26, 2010

Medical negligence: The NHS postcode lottery exposed!

When we become ill, we expect that the medical care we receive will be of a high standard, and that those responsible for our treatment will do everything in their power to help us get over the illness. However, a report published in the Daily Mail shows how the level of care you receive depends on the area where you live.

The level of care you receive is shown through map diagrams. The map shows that the high spending areas of the NHS are found in regions which included Norfolk, Devon, Suffolk, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, and Northumberland. The low spending areas included London, Durham and Derbyshire.
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