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March 04, 2014

How to find a good personal injury lawyer for a car crash!

OK, so you’ve had a car accident – in most cases, you won’t even have entered your information on any websites before you will be inundated with call after call from solicitors and claims companies wanting you to make your claim with them. If you do enter your details on to a website, be prepared for a barrage of calls!

But how do you find a good personal injury lawyer for your car crash? What is a good lawyer and how can you tell the people you are speaking to are good lawyers?

Follow this simple set of rules and you should be able to find the answers you need!

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February 25, 2014

100% Compensation?

For most firms, offering a 100% compensation is now a thing of the past. The government decided to change the law last April and stopped lawyers recovering all of their legal fees from the other side. To add salt to the wounds, they also slashed the amount of fees a lawyer can recover to a mere fraction of what it used to be.

So is there such a thing as a 100% compensation agreement anymore? Or is it just a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that you’ll never find?

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February 25, 2014

Bus Passenger Claims

Have you been a passenger on a bus which was involved in an accident? Have you suffered an injury as a result? If you have been the unfortunate victim of an accident that was not your fault then you could pursue a claim for compensation.

As a passenger, there is probably very little way you could be held at fault for the accident. So if someone else is at fault, you may have a valid claim for personal injury compensation against them.

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By Editor
February 21, 2014

Choosing us to represent YOU!

Are you looking to pursue a claim after suffering injury from an accident? Perhaps you have slipped and fallen on a wet substance in a supermarket, had an accident at work after not being provided with personal protective equipment, or fallen victim to a road traffic accident? If you are wishing to pursue a claim for personal injury then read on now to find out what services we have to offer to you.

There are many law firms out there, and you need to make sure you only speak to the best!

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By Editor
February 18, 2014

What is the difference between 100% compensation and no win no fee?

Offering you a 100% compensation agreement and offering you a no win, no fee agreement can actually be two very different things. People commonly associate the two together because for years most solicitors for personal injury claims have operated on a no win, no fee basis and the client will keep all 100% of their payout.

On top of that, a no win, no fee agreement is the common term applied for a Conditional Fee Agreement which would in fact take in to account what you pay whether the claim wins or loses.

But now the difference between the two is very important indeed because nowadays most lawyers won’t let you keep 100% of your payout anymore.

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By Author
February 18, 2014

Hit when turning right from overtaking vehicle

As a car driver myself I am often left bewildered about the actions and manners of certain other road users. Unfortunately we can only control what we do ourselves. Some road users (you come across them most days) always appear to be in a rush, like the type that overtake you despite the fact that you are travelling at the speed limit, or the type that drive ridiculously close behind your vehicle for no apparent reason.

Although frustrating, you just have to concentrate on your own driving at times. Obviously no one wants the inconvenience of dealing with an accident, even if you were not injured or it was not your fault. Any type of accident will likely cause inconvenience to you.
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By Editor
February 14, 2014

Accident on stairs – no handrail or banister: Can I claim?

Stairs, for fairly obvious reasons, are a common cause for accidents and potentially serious injuries if you fall down quite a considerable height. Navigating stairs and steps is made much safer with the use of handrails and banisters to hold on to in the event we lose our footing. I suffer from a condition called foot drop which means I can be fairly unstable when walking, so I’d be in a lot of hot water if there are no handrails.

But back to the question at hand here – what if you trip or lose your footing and you’re injured specifically because there is no handrail or banister to grab hold of? What if you fall down a full flight of stairs because you were not able to grab hold of anything to save yourself from falling?

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February 12, 2014

I’ve sat on a chair that has broken – can I claim?

Not only is it extremely embarrassing, but the injuries that you can end up with if you sit on a chair or a stool and it simply collapses beneath you can be serious. If this happens in a public place like a shopping centre, supermarket, cafe, restaurant, bar, or pub (to name a few), you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

What we need to do is get to the bottom as to exactly how and why this has happened.

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February 12, 2014

Road Junction Accidents – Who is at Fault?

Whilst it of course all depends on the actual circumstances of an accident, there are certain common scenarios where it’s normally easy to establish who is to blame.

The basic principle of a junction is that the driver established on the road should expect to be able to proceed without anyone pulling out from a junction in to their path. At the same time, a driver merging on to the new road from a junction must give way to vehicles already on the new road.

If someone pulls out from a junction and ends up either in your path or pulls out in to your vehicle, causing a collision, you should be able to make a full claim for personal injury compensation from the other drivers insurance.

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February 07, 2014

Is whiplash a real injury?

The topic of this one comes from a chat me and some of my colleagues had yesterday at The Injury Lawyers HQ when we were discussing the recent claim that one of our team has had to make. It’s a whiplash claim, and for those of you who have ever suffered from the injury, you’ll know just how bad it can be.

I myself have suffered a whiplash injury, so based on my experience and the experiences of others I have chatted to, and some official reports you probably didn’t know about, here’s a little insight in to the real whiplash injury.

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