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choosing the correct solicitor
January 23, 2013

What is a No Win, No Fee agreement?

A common question when making a claim is:

“How much will I have to pay?”

Generally, the answer should be nothing! No Win, No Fee should mean exactly what it says; If you lose the claim, you don’t pay any legal fees!
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accident report
December 04, 2012

Why accident claim payouts can be different for each case

Compensation is based upon the severity of your injuries and how long the injuries will affect your everyday life. As such, there is not really such a thing as a “standard” payout for any particular injury as everyone can be affected differently.

In law the defendant has to take the claimant as they find them – for example if your injury is an exacerbation of an existing injury this doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to claim as, of-course, if it wasn’t for the injury, your condition would not have been aggravated!

So how is a payout assessed? Well, put simply a payout is always assessed on the particular facts of each individual case. There is no such thing as one payout for this injury and another for something else – each case will have its own individual payout.
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November 29, 2012

No Win No Fee Injury Lawyers

injury lawyers guaranteeThis is a phrase that is batted around A LOT – so it is important to understand the difference between firms and make sure that you instruct the best lawyer for you.

So to begin with, what is a No Win No Fee?

This means that you should not have to pay the fees to run your case if the claim doesn’t win! You should receive 100% of the compensation awarded to if you win as the legal fees for most injury claims are recovered from the defendant.

So what should you now look for in an Injury Lawyer to make sure they’re the best? Here are a few examples.

  1. Communication
  2. Expertise
  3. Accessiblity
  4. Friendly

This is a very basic checklist however there is a lot more too each heading and here at The Injury Lawyers we pride ourselves on ensuring we have focused individually on each one and ensure you as the client get the best service level possible!
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November 25, 2012

Recommended Personal Injury Solicitors

Claiming for an injury can be a stressful and worrying thing to do, as the majority of people never think they will have to do it. Therefore, it is extremely important that you instruct the best personal injury solicitor for you to ensure that the process is as smooth and stress free as possible (and, of course, to ensure you gain the optimum amount of compensation at the end!)

So what should you look for in a solicitor?

  • Good communication– this is vitally important when claiming as you should be informed at every stage of the process. After all, it is your claim so YOU essentially need to be in the know, all of the time.> Read More
By Author
November 21, 2012

The Economic Climate and Compensation Claims

The economic climate does have an impact on compensation claims and this area has been covered in the news on many occasions. Some say that work accident compensation claims are becoming more frequent due to the economic climate.

The argument is that, as businesses look for bigger profits, they will often leave their employees with greater exposure to health and safety risks. Another point is that people may be more inclined to bring a claim for compensation if they sustain injury. If the economy was better and people were more content with the money they were earning, it could be said that they would be less likely to bring a compensation claim.

Obviously if you sustain injury at work for example, then it is your right to bring a compensation claim. Whether you exercise the right to claim is entirely a personal choice.
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By Editor
November 21, 2012

Best Personal Injury Lawyers UK

We understand that there is ALLOT of competition out there when it comes to personal injury solicitors. However, we have focused primarily on what we think is the most important aspect of any personal injury claim – YOU. We have ensured that our primary focus is ensuring that you, the client, receive the best service possible to ensure your personal injury claim is straightforward, quick and successful!

We are a genuine law firm who specialise and deal only with injury law so we consider ourselves experts in the field. The reason I say GENUINE is that there are some personal injury ‘firms’ out there that are claims management companies rather than actual solicitors – they will take the details of your claim and sell it across to a solicitor for a tidy referral fee.

To us this seems a bizarre way to pursue a claim, as surely you would want to ensure that the solicitor running your case is one you are comfortable with – not one that has just been picked for you. We see claims as a 3 stage process:
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November 15, 2012

Injury Lawyers Comparison

There are a lot of personal injury lawyers out there that are more than willing to help with your claim. However, we feel that here at The Injury Lawyers we have dedicated a lot of time ensuring that we offer the best service and ultimately get our client’s the best compensation.

We have done this by looking at what clients really want and need, and by reviewing the competition and improving on what we class as the key areas.

In this blog I will address the No Win No Fee agreement we offer and why our service levels fly high above all the rest.
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By Author
November 15, 2012

How Does No Win, No Fee Work?

One of the main worries when looking to pursue legal action is the worry of cost! Solicitors can be extremely expensive so many people are put off from pursing a claim because of this. However, this should not be the case as solicitors often act on conditional fee agreements, which is the posh name for a No Win, No Fee.

These types of agreements are based on the outcome of a case- win or lose. They were originally brought in to fill the gap between those that were eligible for legal aid and those that could afford to pay for legal representation however, they are now extremely common as it allows solicitors to still recover the same fees without having to charge their clients.

So how do they work? Many people often find it difficult to understand how they can pursue a claim, receive compensation (which in some cases is a large sum) and not have a bill to pay. To many it seems strange for a solicitor to be doing so much work for them but not sending them a bill. But please do not worry- we do get paid (after all we are still a business).
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November 13, 2012

100% Compensation Claim

There are a lot of horror stories out there about 100% compensation turning into a “nightmare” as solicitors come after the case and take all the compensation away to cover their fees.

However, this is far from the truth here at The injury lawyers, as we GUARANTEE you 100% of your compensation and there is a reason why we can do this.

The standard conditional fee agreement (The No Win No Fee) states that a solicitor will seek to recover fees from the other side. This all seems well and good, but the word seek leaves you open to the possibility that if they have trouble recovering fees from the other side, they are able to come to you for the shortfall. So say the solicitors costs are £5000.00 and the other side agree to pay £3000.00m the shortfall of £2000.00 may have to be covered by yourself. Of course, many reputable solicitors may not do this – however there is always the possibility that they CAN. Many solicitors hold this power to charge you.
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October 25, 2012

Knee Ligament Injury at Work – How Much Compensation Can You Claim?

Well there are two notable things to point out here; firstly, as it’s an injury at work, if it was caused through no fault of your own then it is likely you have a good chance of succeeding with a claim. The reason for this is that there are numerous health and safety rules and regulations that employers must abide by, and if we can prove that they have breached at least one of them, making a successful claim is a possibility.

The other thing to point out is that it’s nigh impossible to value a claim for personal injury accurately without proper medical evidence and a fully qualified personal injury lawyer, like us, to value the claim. Other than that, the other thing to note on the topic of the injury and its potentially worth is that ligament injuries to the knee is a very broad term.

Basically, the more you suffer and the longer you suffer the more compensation we get for you. If you are suffering for 9 months, you will likely receive more compensation than if you were suffering for just one month. If you have ruptured multiple ligaments in your knee, requiring you to have reconstructive surgery, months on crutches non weight baring, and a heavy stint of physiotherapy, you will likely get more compensation than if you have just strained ligaments in the knee that required you to hobble, albeit painfully, for a few weeks with the hope of a full recovery in a couple of months.
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