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July 24, 2012

Farm Accident Compensation Claims

Tractors, combine harvesters, livestock, 4×4’s, chemicals- these are just a few of the hazards present on a farm. From this list it is clear to see why farming is considered one of the most dangerous industries to work in in the UK. However, it is not just people working on farms that can be at risk of injury, but also people visiting farmland.

Injuries sustained whilst working on a farm.

Your employer is responsible for your safety whilst you are at work – so if you are injured whilst working you have a potential claim against your employer. There is a wide range of accidents that can occur on a farm, especially as there are often several machines in use that require extreme physical exertion and therefore take their toll on your body. It is imperative that all farm-hands receive extensive training and are provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) where necessary.
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July 09, 2012

Actuarial Profession Report confirms a rise in personal injury cases despite a fall in Road Traffic Accidents.

The issue of road traffic accident claims has hit the news again this week with reports that there has been a fall of 11% in road traffic accident Claims but yet an 18% increase in personal injury claims arising from a road traffic accident.

It has been suggested that the reason for the decrease in road traffic accidents in the reduction in people using their vehicles as transport due to the high increase in petrol.  However the reason for the increase of claims has resulted in blame on the Solicitors who deal with ‘no win no fee’ claims.

The suggestion that Solicitors are to blame has gone so far that Mr Ken Clarke, Justice Secretary, is proposing that success fees for solicitors are abolished. A success fee is a simple as its name – if a Solicitor is successful in the claim the Defendant has to pay a fee to the Solicitors for their success of the claim. This is designed to take the weight of losses from claims that do not win and have to be ceased on a No Win, No Fee basis for the client.
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May 28, 2012

Machinery Accident Compensation Lawyers

Depending on the type of industry you work in, workplaces can be very dangerous. If you work with machinery or plant equipment for example, the potential dangers involved are numerous. For this reason, health and safety rules and regulations for the use of machinery and equipment at work are numerous.

If you work with machinery and equipment, your employer is responsible for training you as well as supervision of its use; and inspecting and maintaining machinery and equipment to ensure that it is continually safe to use. Machinery and equipment must be safe to use at all times – so appropriate guards, rails, or emergency stop buttons should be in place at all times to ensure no one is harmed through the use of the equipment.

If you are injured at work due to machinery and equipment, you may be covered for compensation with your employers insurance if the accident was caused through no fault of your own. Unfortunately, injuries involving machinery and equipment can be often significant – so you need to make sure you have a specialist personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim for compensation.
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April 20, 2012

Road Traffic Accidents: How to claim

In the UK there are thousands of road traffic accidents occurring on our busy roads, which means there are a lot of claims for whiplash. Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries associated with road traffic accidents; what many people do not realise is that they can claim for compensation for suffering from a whiplash injury.

The law states that if you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligent actions you are entitled to claim for compensation and be financially placed back in the position that you would have been in if the accident had not occurred. On the injury side of things, we cannot take away the pain you have endured, but we can settle your case for a financial sum as compensation for the suffering you have endured. And so you should be able to – why should you suffer from the pain and inconvenience of whiplash just because of someone else’s negligent actions?

So how do you go about making a claim for compensation? Well, first of all, you need to find an expert personal injury lawyer who can guarantee you 100% of your compensation and provide a genuine no win no fee agreement. We here at The Injury Lawyers can do just that!
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April 09, 2012

Compensation Claim Lawyers – The Process Explained

If you’re reading this article I’m guessing you are wondering what on earth the pre-accident protocol stage of my personal injury claim is?

The pre-accident protocol is designed to make straightforward PI claims quicker, easier and more cost efficient to settle, and avoid the necessity of going to court where possible. The protocol helps govern how claims are processed by the solicitor handling the claim until settlement or going to trial.

Once a lawyer is instructed to act on your behalf, and we have informed you that there is a good chance your claim will be successful, a letter of claim is sent to third party who we believe to be responsible for your injuries. This letter contains details of the circumstance of your accident, the allegations of what the party did wrong, the injuries you sustained in the accident, and that we are acting on a No Win, No Fee basis, and finally a list of documents they will need to provide us in the event the claim is disputed.
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March 01, 2012

Passenger Accident Claiming

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and you were a passenger in one of the vehicles involved, you have excellent prospects of a successful claim for compensation

Even better, under a new system to deal with claims, you should get your compensation fast!

The reason you have excellent prospects of a successful claim are simple – it is highly unlikely that as a passenger you were to blame for the accident.  Short of severely distracting the driver, grabbing the steering wheel or pulling the handbrake, I cannot think of many circumstances where a passenger can be held to have caused a road traffic accident.  It doesn’t matter whether you were the passenger in the vehicle at fault either; you are still the innocent party and can be compensated al the same.
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February 24, 2012

Knee Injury Compensation

Knee injuries can be seriously debilitating – there is a lot to take in to account for valuing such a case. Our knees are ultimately responsible for holding us upright and walking or running around. With a weak or injured knee, you can end up facing unfortunate and often serious mobility issues.

We as expert personal injury lawyers are used to dealing with all injuries and claims; we are more than used to representing people with knee injuries. The reason I’m writing on this subject in particular is because I am currently suffering from a debilitating knee injury myself; so I thought I’d share with you some of the trials and tribulations I have been through in a sense of how they fit in with a claim to give you an idea of what sorts of things you can include as part of your compensation claim.

The most common knee injuries involve your ligaments inside your knee. Impact injuries and / or dislocation injuries will commonly cause severe damage to the ligaments in your knee. To give you an example, i.e. me, from a simple impact injury and a knee dislocation, in which I heard the dreaded pop sound associated with these injuries, my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) pulled the piece of my tibia that it is attached to clean off, and all collateral ligaments were torn. Another problematic side effect is the nerve damage that is often associated with these injuries. The common peroneal nerve (CPL) can become trapped by swelling, or can even tear of snap – resulting in a rare condition known as “foot drop” or “drop foot” where the foot literally cannot be raised as the ability to dorsi-flex is gone from the damage.
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February 23, 2012

PIP Implants News Update

Our Specialist PIP Implant Compensation Team bringing you the latest update

Having taken on a vast number of claims to date, we have had the opportunity to speak to many of the victims of the PIP Implant scandal. From those who simply want the implants removed as a precaution, to those who have been and are suffering from adverse reactions.

Despite the news from some health professionals and experts who say the potential dangers are inconclusive, we are seeing the effects on the front line – the effects on the women who are suffering with these implants.

As a quick refresher, the PIP Implants manufactured in France were largely manufactured with industrial grade silicon that is commonly used in the production of mattresses and pillows. This grade of silicon has never been safe for implants, yet the company behind the scandal chose to cut corners (and assumedly expenses!) and hide a whole eight years worth of fraudulent operations that have ended up putting the innocent victims in serious danger.
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February 07, 2012

Car Accident Compensation Claim Lawyers – The Big Freeze Hits 2012!

I’m sure most of you reading this have gathered we are getting hit my the inevitable; I’ve always felt that after the incredible snow storms we weathered through in 2010 that it was only a matter of time we would see the worst of the seasons weather return.

The weather is dangerous – and accidents are likely.

Friday was when the midlands (or at least where I live!) was hit by the snow, and it laid very fast. I’d say there has been a good four or five settled inches which has largely survived the weekend of trampling footsteps and flattening car wheels. But waking up this morning to news of travel chaos and problems all across Britain’s travel infrastructure as planes are grounded at Heathrow, and motorists being urged to take extra care on the roads, is far too reminiscent of that insane November in 2010.
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January 30, 2012

Severe Trauma Injury Claim

Our name is a bit of a giveaway about what we specialise in; as The Injury Lawyers, we represent clients for personal injury cases, and nothing else! Because we specialise in all forms of injury claims, we think we’re the best choice for any sort of claim – whether it’s a straightforward soft tissue injury, to broken bones and severe trauma injuries.

If you are unfortunate enough to be suffering with a severe injury, you will probably be considering the avenue of making a claim a little more carefully – ultimately, your claim could be worth a lot of money, which means two things – 1. You want to make sure you get 100% of the maximum amount you are entitled to claim for; and 2. The insurers for the other side will not want to pay you a huge sum of compensation as it costs them a lot of money – they are far more likely to try and defend your claim and reduce your payout by any means they possibly can.

What I’m saying here is that if you have suffered a serious injury, you need, and I mean NEED, a specialist personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim to make sure you miss out on nothing. So, here is a guide as to what you should look for in your injury lawyer:
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