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October 05, 2011

Client Testimonials

Our mission is to win the maximum amount of compensation for our clients in the shortest possible time, and assist with any medical needs required. To help this happen, we try our best to provide the highest quality service levels to our clients.

The problem is that many people who instruct a personal injury lawyer to make their claim have probably never made a claim in the past (unless you’re a little unlucky); so many people don’t quite know what to expect, or what they are entitled to. Many people will make their judgements based on what friends and family say. So, how do you know what to do when you are entering in to a process that you have never been through before?

Well, here is a little hint: check the Client Testimonials on the website of the law firm you are looking to instruct!
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choosing the correct solicitor
October 04, 2011

The Injury Lawyers – 100% REAL Injury Lawyers

There are so many websites out there to browse through when it comes to deciding who you want to represent you for your claim for compensation.

The bad news is that a load of them are NOT actually lawyers; they are just Claims Management Companies and Accident Advice Services that often like to appear as if they’re lawyers to draw you in.
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October 03, 2011

Legal Aid Reforms – The Personal / Political Agenda

OK – so we’ve been covering the fantastic news that referral fees for claims, such as referrals through legal expenses insurance / motor legal protection where your insurers will ‘sell’ your details on to a third party solicitor for cash, which forms part of a government agenda to make the world of compensation claiming more efficient.

One of the other areas has been surrounding the cut of the legal aid bill and potential changes to the no win, no fee system. The gist and result of the whole idea will result in a reduction in the number of payouts, which I imagine is intended for the costs of insurance to lower; although I’d love to see the day the insurers pass on saving to the consumer!

But, back to the main topic, sadly, proposals in place involve shifting some of the costs of the no win, no fee system to the Claimant from the Defendant. We strongly oppose such a notion, as it will result in innocent accident victims having their payouts slashed to cover costs the Defendant, i.e. the person or party at fault for the injuries, will no longer have to pay the full amount.
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September 30, 2011

Personal Injury Claims for Children

Children are involved in accidents every day; whether at school, in the playground, or at home. Quite often this is simply a pure accident that is no one’s fault. However, children can be the victims of other people’s careless behaviour, just the same as adults.

Young people suffer injuries in pretty much the same sort of circumstances that adults do, whether it is as a passenger in a car, tripping or slipping in a public place or because of a faulty product.

Children are more vulnerable than adults and this means that people in situations involving children have to take extra care to ensure that they do not cause harm to children because of their carelessness.  It also means that children can claim compensation in situations where adults could not; for example if a child has an accident because they were not being supervised properly.
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September 29, 2011

Claiming Compensation from the Council

If you have been injured through tripping, slipping or falling on a defect whilst out and about on the highways, whether it’s from tripping on a raised paving slab, or falling down because of a pothole in the road, you are eligible to initiate a claim with the local highways authority of council.

Every stretch of land is under the jurisdiction of a local council or some branch of highways authority; their responsibility is to ensure that all areas within their jurisdiction are regularly inspected and maintained and rectify any defect that may appear.

If you end up injuring yourself because of a defect in the highway, I, unfortunately, have some rather grim news for you. We here at The Injury Lawyers do not like to mollycoddle you when it comes to the serious business of making claims. We tell you straight, right from the start, whether we think you have a good claim or not. In many instances, it’s difficult to tell without some form of investigation with the other side on our Genuine No Win, No Fee basis. But what I can tell you is that making a claim against your local council or a highways authority is a very difficult process.
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By Author
September 21, 2011

Compensation for your Injuries

Making a claim for compensation for injuries sustained at the hands of a negligent third party is not something many people do.  In the main, this is because they have not been injured.  But for those who have been injured, nowadays they are more aware that they are able to make a claim for compensation.  Yet, in the vast majority of cases, they have never done this before.  It is not uncommon then that such people wonder how to go about making a personal injury claim and what it entails. 

So – Here is a quick guide.

Claiming for compensation is easy and in the most part you will not have to do much; your lawyers will do the hard work for you.  What you will firstly need to do is find a quality injury lawyer that you are more than happy to instruct.  You should seek an injury lawyer who will not charge you a penny for their work, can help you out with some free medical treatment, and who have vast experience in dealing with these types of claims so they know what they are doing and can progress your case in the best way possible. 
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September 20, 2011

How Safe are our Roads and Streets

The roads and streets can be a dangerous place – having worked in this industry for as long as I have, you tend to pick things up most people would miss. Next time you are out and about shopping, walking your dog, or visiting your friends and family, take notice of what’s on the ground you are walking on. It goes without saying that I ask you not to concentrate too hard to ensure you don’t walk in to anything or walk in to the road; but, if you can, just have a look at what’s around you on the streets and roads.

You will probably notice raised paving slabs, cracked concrete, gaps in the kerb, or the dreaded pothole in the road. Normally, these aren’t things you would look out for or particularly spot when you are out and about; but, if it’s in the back of your mind, you will probably begin to notice a lot of dangerous defects out there.

That, ladies and gentleman, is the reason why people end up making a claim against the council. Claims for compensation in general, but particularly council tripper claims, have a bad reputation for some unknown reason (although it probably has something to do with the way our lovely media paint a council claim). If you work in this industry, consciously try and look out for, or have tripped over a defect in the past, you will likely notice the extent to which they litter our pavements and traffic routes.
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September 14, 2011

Hair Extension Problems – Claims for Compensation

Over the past few years or so, we have seen an increase in personal injury claims stemming from poor quality services in the beauty industry that have left people bruised, burned, scarred, and emotionally down when they end up injured through a beauty treatment gone wrong.

One of the more common ones is treatment involving hair extensions that have gone wrong; so, if you have stumbled upon this article because you are looking for some information on this topic, look no further, and know that you are not alone!

We have had claims ranging from hair dye gone wrong, where skin testing has not been completed correctly or at all, to hair extension treatments performed incorrectly resulting in patches of baldness, uncomfortable head, irritations, and scarring.
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September 12, 2011

Claims Against Taxis

Injured in a road traffic accident whilst a passenger in a taxi?

Have you been involved in a road traffic accident whilst travelling as a passenger in a taxi, and as a result of this sustained injury and/or incurred losses, you are not sure of your rights, or you are contemplating submitting a claim but do not know the process?

As a passenger you are seen to be an innocent party as you are not the driver of the vehicle and you are likely not at fault. You are entitled to submit a claim for compensation up to three years from the date of the accident whether it was the taxi driver at fault or another driver involved.
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By Editor
September 08, 2011

Compensation Claim Time Limit

Yes – there is a time limit in which to make a claim for compensation. The limit your claim will fall in to depends on a number of general factors; so really, the best thing you can do is speak to an injury lawyer direct to find out when the limit runs out for your claim.

As a general rule – THE QUICKER YOU CLAIM, THE BETTER! Events will be fresh in your mind, and you can get access to private medical care to help you recover quicker with a good injury lawyer on board.

How Long Do You Have to Claim?
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