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August 14, 2015

Compensation for pre-existing condition aggravated by whiplash injury

Are you unsure about what to do if you have been in an accident that has aggravated a pre-existing condition? Typically a whiplash type injury will often aggravate similar previous injuries, chronic back and neck conditions, or long term problems.

So how do we prove what is related to an accident and how can we compensate you when some of your pain may be due to underlying conditions? How do we factor in that you may actually be suffering far worse because you have a pre-existing condition aggravated by whiplash injury?
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road traffic accident claims
August 11, 2015

Loss of overtime after suffering a whiplash injury

Whilst people can still work with a whiplash injury, many will either voluntarily reduce their hours or stay off work completely depending on the severity of their injury. By working less, they obviously lose out financially.

But don’t worry because we can account for this when helping you with a whiplash claim, even accounting for lost overtime hours as a result of the accident or injury.
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road traffic accident claims
August 07, 2015

Should I put in a claim for simple whiplash?

Why not? The insurance company you are probably pursuing for your vehicle damages are liable to cover you for injury as well. So if you didn’t claim then you are simply letting the insurers keep the money you are entitled to. When you think of it that way, it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to not claim, does it?

But there are other advantages and you should really ignore the media fuelled rubbish about a “compensation culture” and “whiplash epidemics”.
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road traffic accident claims
July 17, 2015

How much do I pay for my whiplash claim?

The government seems obsessed with whiplash claims, and a lot of it stems from incessant moaning from the insurance industry who appear upset that they have to pay people money who make claims; despite the fact that they exist for that very reason.

Reading my opening statement, you may feel I am somewhat bitter or bias about the negativity that’s associated with whiplash claims. Well to be honest, I am! And with good reason!

So read on for info about how much you may have to pay and more importantly why you have to pay for your whiplash claim.
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June 29, 2015

Can whiplash be delayed a couple of days?

The simple answer is yes – it can.

It’s actually very common to feel no symptoms on the actual day of an accident. The symptoms of whiplash will typically develop over the course of the 12-48 hours following the incident. Many people feel totally fine directly after the incident has occurred and then will wake up perhaps the next day or two days after with the pain and stiffness associated with whiplash injuries.
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June 25, 2015

Can I claim wages for a whiplash injury?

In a claim for personal injury you are entitled to recover compensation for the pain and suffering caused, and for any losses and expenses incurred. The pain, suffering, and loss of amenity is often referred to as General Damages and the losses and expenses is often referred to as Special Damages.

Whilst Special Damages are never guaranteed and whilst they can be somewhat of a grey area, there is a general principle that you are entitled to recover compensation for any financial losses and expenses that are caused as a result of an accident. As such you can claim lost wages for whiplash injuries.
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road traffic accident claims
June 19, 2015

What is the lowest level of compensation you can claim for a whiplash injury?

I don’t know what it is about whiplash claims that seem to spur the need to find out how much you can claim for. Whilst the value of a potential claim is often a question on accident victims’ lips, it is almost always asked when the victim is suffering whiplash in a car accident.

Sometimes the reason is because people are being offered amounts to settle directly with the insurers. Well if you have come across our site and this applies to you, I have some very bad news for you indeed!
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June 12, 2015

I got offered £500 for whiplash – should I take it?

I’m inclined to give you the first answer that popped in to my head, which was – NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!

The reason for this is that £500 for a whiplash claim is relatively small when compared to the average settlements and amounts that people can usually claim for. In reality the value of the claim is entirely down to the length and severity of your suffering, which is all determined using medical evidence. But let me tell you why I can suggest to you that £500 is relatively small for a whiplash settlement offer…
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April 21, 2015

The Injury Lawyers win £8,500 for whiplash victim despite opponent refusing to accept fault

You’d think that you have a practically guaranteed claim when someone hits the back of your car whilst it’s stationary, right? In most scenarios you do – but occasionally the other driver may try and dispute the claim by suggesting that the version of events wasn’t as you claimed.

This shows the importance of having not just any old lawyer fighting your claim but having an expert law firm with the funds to keep fighting your corner all on a no win, no fee basis.
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February 27, 2015

What is the lowest level of compensation for a whiplash injury?

Many people are curious to know what their whiplash claim will be worth in terms of the value of the claim. As whiplash injuries are so common, there is a lot of hearsay about how much claims are worth and it’s easy to give people estimates and averages.

But if we’re talking in terms of the minimum payouts, so you can know at least how much you will get as a bottom line, what are the amounts on offer?
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