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June 19, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle burn injury at work claim for £7,000

As well as specialising in serious injury claims where victims are entitled to multimillion pound payouts, we fight for the rights of those who seek justice for any injury sustained as a result of negligence.

In this case, our client was burned from their wrist to the elbow at work which was caused by being exposed to condensed boiling water and hot soup that had reached scolding temperatures.

He was lucky to not have been more seriously hurt!
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June 18, 2015

Making an injury claim due to a plant equipment accident

Plant equipment is inherently dangerous which is why employers have a very specific duty of care to their employees to make sure that they are not injured when using this type of work equipment.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations put in place several provisions to ensure that all work equipment – which of course includes plant equipment – is safe to use; not defective; suitable; and is being used by a competent and trained person.

So if you have been injured in the course of your employment as a result of using plant equipment, read on for more advice about whether you can make a claim for personal injury compensation.
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June 17, 2015

Injuries caused by hands or arms being pulled in to a machine by a blade at work

Injuries involving people being cut or hurt by blades, stock bars, in lathes, or in any other dangerous part of machinery, are worryingly common in the workplace. This isn’t because we lack the necessary health and safety legislation though; in fact the laws we have in the UK to protect employees are quite extensive.

Despite this, there are so many incidents that involve these exact circumstances and we take on and win a lot of claims for work accidents involving machinery – so if this has happened to you, read on for advice.
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June 11, 2015

Machinery with no guards – Injury at work claims

Have you been injured because some machinery you have been using at work had no guards? Did you know that there are specific health and safety rules that address the issue of guards on machinery?

If you have been injured where guards should have been in place then you may have the right to make a claim for work injury compensation. Read on for advice about the law and where you stand and we will see if we can help you.
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June 05, 2015

Forklift truck crushing injuries – claim advice

Forklift trucks can be dangerous and we take on a lot of work accident compensation claims for victims who have been injured by forklift trucks. If you have suffered a crushing injury from a forklift truck – for example, being run over by one or being crushed by the loads itself – you may have a winning claim for personal injury compensation.

Here’s a bit of advice that you may find useful…
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June 05, 2015

Hand caught in a lathe injury at work – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Lathes are recognised as a clear and obvious danger in the workplace – so much so that there are workplace regulations that specifically name lathes in the legislation.

You should never be subjected to an injury from a dangerous part of a lathe, and if you are, it is likely that you may have a successful claim for personal injury compensation.

We’ll take a look at the regulations so you can get a better idea as to whether you may have a successful claim for compensation.
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June 05, 2015

Injury caused by rotating blade in machinery at work

Rotating blades are, of course, very dangerous indeed. There are workplace regulations that focus on preventing employees from being injured due to sharp or dangerous blades in machinery. The specific regulations are called The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.

So if you have been injured in these sorts of circumstances you may have a claim for personal injury compensation – so read on for some helpful advice.
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June 02, 2015

Fall From Scaffold – Your Entitlement to Claim

If you have fallen from scaffolding at work then it is likely that you can bring a claim for personal injury compensation. There are specific regulations that cover the use of work equipment and working at height and where these are breached accidents can happen.

So if your fall from a scaffold platform could have been prevented and was caused through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to thousands of pounds in work accident compensation.
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May 27, 2015

Hit by a vehicle at work? You are entitled to make a claim

There are many workplaces where vehicles are present, and it is important for employers to comply with key health and safety legislation that can, in reality, keep employees alive in the workplace.

Yards where lorries may be manoeuvring around; factories with forklift trucks darting between aisles; construction sites where tractors and mobile plant equipment may be on the move – they are all clear and significant dangers.

So as a victim who is hit by a vehicle in the workplace, what are your rights for claiming compensation for a work injury?
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May 22, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle claim for injury caused by heavy door at work for £11,500

Big heavy doors should normally have mechanisms to ensure they close slowly and avoid any unnecessary injuries – especially in a busy workplace!

But sadly for our client in this case she had to instruct our expert lawyers to make a claim from her employer because the slow release mechanism wasn’t functioning correctly, resulting in a heavy door bashing in to her arm.

She did the right thing instructing our expert team and we maximised her claim in the sum of £11,500!
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